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PER test on CC2538

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2538, ASH, CC2650

Hi All,

Iam new to using CC2538. I have  SmartRF06EB with  CC2538. I want to check PER on this. How to get started. I have foundation firmware source code and PER source code with me. How to compile the code and test it using board. Can you please provide me details.

Thank you,



  • Hi,


    I presume you have CC2538 Developmernt Kit. If you have, attached is the Quick start guide.

    You can also use SmartRFStudio (PC Software from TI to control TI Devices) for PER test. Dowload and install SmartRFStudioon your computer, connect SmartRF06EB to the computer and tutn on the board. Open SmartRFStudio, it will automaticcaly recognize the device. If not, click on the find device. Once it finds the correct device then double click on th edevice, it opens up the Device Control panel in the other window. You can use Device contol panel to setup differenet parameters and to do differerent tests which includes PER test also.




  • Hi,

    I forgot to attach the Quick Satrt guide. Here is the attachement.




  • Hi,

    I have installed SmartRF studio on my PC. Connected the board using USB. Selected the control panel of this device in SmartRF studio. After doing this LED(Advance mode) on SmartRF06EB started blinking. I have selected IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon packet, channel 11 as configuration and started sending packets. On the board what is the output that i should expect. LCD desplay is showing button positions.

    Thank you,



  • On the transmitter side, you will see Channel, Send packets numbers, and Progress. On the receiver side, you will see Channel, PER[%], Good pkts, Losdt pkts, and  Avg. RSSI.

  • Hi,

    Without using SmartRF studio iam able to send and receive packets using 2 boards. Tried to test the same by using SmartRF studio. When i did this, i am not able to see any information regarding packets on LCD screen. Am i missing any thing in setting up SmartRF studio. Please let me know.

    Thank you,


  • Hi,

    You need to have 2 PCS running with SmartRFStudio. Use one board as a Transmitter and the other board as a reciver.

    On SmartRFStudio control panel, transmit side, select "Packect Tx" tab and check "Infinite packect count" and then Click "start" button. This starts the packect transmission continuouslu.

    On the other PC SmartRFStudio control panel, Receive side, select "Packet Rx" tab and check " infinite packect count" and then click "start" button at the bottom. Then you can see the packets in the window (not on the LCD of the board).

    Make sure both the Tx and Rx are on the same channel.



  • Hi @Chandrakala,,,

    Nice to see your post. Could you please let me know how can I flash "per_test_v1_1.hex to smartRF06EB. I tried it using Smart RF Studio while selecting "Flash Programmer 2(ARM Cortex...)", it ask for Specify path...but I can not see the hex file only shows to select .exe files (jn that particular folder). How can I flash .hex file to the kit?, I want to use its original program which came with the kit. Please share the solution.




  • You should download CC2538 PER test. After you unzip it, you can find per_test.hex under folder cc2538_per_test_1_1_0\ide\srf06eb_cc2538\iar. You can use Flash Programmer 2 to select it and download it to your CC2538 via SmartRF06.

  • Hi,

    You can program your cc2538/CC26xx device with smartRF flash programmer 2. It comes with smartRF studio,
    but can be installed as a separate SW.
    Once installed, follow the smartRF flash programmer 2 user's guide (can be found under documentation folder)
  • Hello Igor Yikai Chen

    Thanks for your reply~

    But I am using [SmartRF06EVB + CC2650] kit. I want to flash the same program which was already programmed by TI when I bought it. Is the same one or different one? Please suggest as I am using TI-CC Studio for my application.

  • Hello Yikai Chen,

    I installed separate SW for Flash Programmer 2, but its not accepting .hex file from IAR folder, didnt understand why so. Could you please send me the CCS compatible PER Test file ? Thanks

  • Just try it and there is no problem. You can refer to my screen shot.

  • I am getting this.....

  • Hi,

    1. Please expand the status window, and let us see whether the download process itself succeeded
    2. In verify section, change the CRC check to read back, and try again
    3. Also, could you copy the first and the last two lines of the hex file (open the hex file in any text editor, i.e notepad), and
      paste it here

  • First two lines: 


    LAst two lines:


  • You SoC is CC2650 not CC2538.
  • Hello Sir,

    I used the file which you shared. Please let me know the correction. Thanks
  • The title of your question is "PER test on CC2538" but you actually use CC2650. Can you tell me which one you exactly want to test PER?
  • Thank you Mr Igor Sherer and Mr YiKai Chen,

    Its working well now. May I please know the key reason of not working the previous files...just for my knowledge. Thanks

  • If you intend to test PER on CC2650, you can use the attached the hex file of v1.1 for the CC2650 PER test.

  • Hello YiKai Chen, before putting a new post, first I tried to find out the related post on community, if any. And I found this related which was already asked by somebody else, so I followed that only and asked my query......thanks for your clarification.
  • OK, I see. Since CC2650 is different to CC2538, please use my attachment for the CC2650 PER test.