Can you confirm that the Default project from (RF430FRL152H Firmware (Rev. B)) is what ships on the evaluation board? If not, where does one obtain the factory installed firmware?
Additionally, there are warnings from CCS building the project of:
Description Resource Path Location Type
#10063-D entry-point symbol other than "_c_int00" specified: "Reset_ISR" main_152.c /RF430FRL152H_Default_Project C/C++ Problem
This project was created using a version of compiler that is not currently installed: 4.3.3 [MSP430]. Another version of the compiler will be used during build: 4.4.5. Please go to <a href="liveaction:OpenAppCenter">CCS App Center</a> to install the compiler of the required version, or migrate the project to one of the available compiler versions by adjusting project properties. RF430FRL152H_Default_Project properties Problems
Can you confirm that this will still work appropriately with the evaluation board once programmed with the MSP-FET?