I have the SPI on a CC1111 set up for slave mode, where I'm sure I have slave mode selected and all four pins set for peripheral function.
I then set up a DMA channel to receive SPI data, but I find the DMA is triggering on reception even when the master direct SPI activity to other devices ... and the CC1111's SSN pin never goes low. ( confirmed with a logic analyzer ).
How can this be happening? If the SPI master never asserts ( logic 0 ) the CC1111's SSN line, then surely one would think the CC1111 would simply ignore any SPI activity on its other three lines.
Am I missing something here?
Edition: I guess I need someone to confirm or deny: If SPI slave mode SSN is logic 1, the CC1111 will ignore all activity on MISO, MOSI, and SCK.
(p.s I hope this is the right forum for this question )