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CC2531 UART Printing to the Console Example

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2531

Hi team,

Do we have any example code for using UART to print to the console (for debugging purposes) for the CC2531?


Akash Patel

  • Hi Akash,

    Here's some very simple code to use UART as printf();

    void uart0Setup(void);
    void uartPutc(uint8 c);
    int main()
      uartPutc(' ');
    void uart0Setup(void)
    #if 1
      PERCFG |= 0x02;  // Alternative 2 for USART 1
      P2DIR &= ~(0xC0); //
      P2DIR |= (0x40); // USART1 peripheral priority 1
      P1SEL |= 0xC0;  // Set P1_6 and P1_7 as peripheral pins
      U1UCR |= 0x80;   // Reset USART1
      U1CSR = 0x80;   // Set USART1 -> UART mode
      U1GCR =   12;   // Generic settings, BAUD_E for 230400
      U1BAUD = 216;    // BAUD_M for 115000
      PERCFG &= ~(0x01);  // Alternative 1 for USART 0
      P2DIR &= ~(0xC0); // USART0 peripheral priority 1
      P0SEL |= 0x0C;  // Set P0_2 and P0_3 as peripheral pins
      U0UCR |= 0x80;   // Reset USART0
      U0CSR = 0x80;   // Set USART0 -> UART mode
    //  U0GCR = 0x08;   // Generic settings, BAUD_E for 9600
    //  U0BAUD = 59;    // BAUD_M for 9600
    //  U0GCR =   11;   // Generic settings, BAUD_E for 115000
      U0GCR =   12;   // Generic settings, BAUD_E for 230400
      U0BAUD = 216;    // BAUD_M for 115000
    void uartPutc(uint8 c)
    #if 1
      while((U1CSR & 0x01));  // Wait until ACTIVE bit is low
      U1DBUF = c;
      while((U0CSR & 0x01));  // Wait until ACTIVE bit is low
      U0DBUF = c;