I have a TRF7970A EVM board and a Arduino Nano. I want to output the data from TRF7970A to Arduino Nano using SPI or other methods. Anyone knows how I should do?
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I have a TRF7970A EVM board and a Arduino Nano. I want to output the data from TRF7970A to Arduino Nano using SPI or other methods. Anyone knows how I should do?
Hello Jing,
This is to be expected... you asked how to connect the Arduino via SPI to the TRF7970A. To do this, you need to disconnect the MCU on the EVM first which is the MSP430F2370, and that is what runs the firmware for the GUI interface.
There was no mention of your intention to use this with the RF430FRL152HEVM GUI.
I am unclear how the Arduino comes into play now. Do you plan to port the MSP430F2370 firmware to the Arduino and run the NFC stack which handles all NFC communication on that device? If not, then you should not connect it to the TRF7970A and just let the MSP430F2370 run the firmware provided by TI.
Perhaps you instead meant to say you wish to connect the Arduino Uno to the EVM as a whole to access information with it rather than over USB on your PC, then the answer would be to use something like UART to interface the Arduino Uno to the MSP430F2370.
Hi Ralph,
Sorry about that I didn't tell you my intention clearly. Yes, I want to use the TRF7970A EVM communicate with RF430FRL152HEVM, and I also want to transfer the data from TRF7970A EVM to Arduino. So you mean that I can disconnect the MCU on the EVM and connect the TRF7970A chip to Arduino? And also I can connect the TRF7970A EVM to Arduino directly? Is this your meaning?
Actually the RF430FRL152H responds with the ADC result that is unmodified. So the voltage value of the sample can be computed by the reader. The equation to do this can be found in the RF430FRL15xH Firmware Users Guide: http://www.ti.com/lit/pdf/slau603 ( Section 2.8.2 Thermistor Resistance Calculation) .
The MSP430F2370 does not have any RF430FRL152H specific code. It simply can read out a certain portion of memory on the RF430FRL152H and output it unto the USB bus to the PC. The RF430FRL152HEVM PC program actually performs the conversion. In your case, with a new sensor, you would have to modify the calculation.
There is documentation ( http://www.ti.com/lit/an/sloa233/sloa233.pdf
Hi Alex,
Thank you.
If I use the pins 22 and 23 to a UART interface on the Arduino, do I have to cut the UART traces going to the USB transceiver on the TRF7970AEVM? If so, how to power on the TRF7970AEVM? Did you mean I only need to cut the two lines?
Or can I also use the ports P5_6 and P5_7 of HDR_5, they are also the SPI pins. However, it seems it won't work if I remove the 0 ohm resistors between HDR_4 and HDR_5.
What do you think?