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Dear Sir.
I devloped wireless microphone with receiver use TI's CC8520 + CC2590.
Indoor distance almost 15~20Meters but outdoor distance almost 3~5 Meters.
How can I improve for the outdoor distance problem?
I used 2.4GHz Chip ANT and already ANT matching use network analyzer with shield room Chamber.
RF Power almost 12dBm use spectrum analyzer.
So, I tested your company CC85XXDK-HEADSET Development Kit also your company DEVELOPMENT KIT outdoor distance almost within 5 Meters.
CC8520 + CC2590 Chips specification are only outdoor distance 5 Meters??????
How can I improve..please advice for me.
Thank you
Best regards,
I could sound like the outdoor noise floor is very high.
As you can see when using this tool:, the range goes down if the noise floor is high. You can measure the noise floor using SmartRF Studio and using the cont RX tab. Check the RSSI when you have no other known TX sources on.
Dear sir.
Thank you for your reply.
It is not noise sound issue. That is wireless distance problem.
Anyway today I checked use my spectrum analyzer and I could not understand.
Why Tx output power different according RF Frequency???
How can I fixed RF power??
And I checked pictures as below.
And PPWC setting value as below
And CC8520 with CC2590 SCHEMATIC as below
Why different CC8520 Tx output power frequency 2406 MHz and 2442MHz???
How can I fix???
Please advice for me
Best regards,
"It is not noise sound issue. That is wireless distance problem.": What do you base this on? Did you check the background noise both indoors and outdoors and compared the values? Did you look into the range estimator tool and calculate the expected range for a given background noise?
Your output power measurements does not make sense since the variation of a relatively narrow frequency band should not be around 10 dB.
How have you measured this, do yo set the operating frequency to 2406 MHz and measure on this frequency, then set the frequency to 2442 MHz and measure on this frequency etc?
Dear TER
Please reply this issue.
Thank you for your cooperate.
Best regards,
For the output power for the different channels: Not sure what would be the easiest way to do this. But what should work is to just edit the .xml file (prod_test_simplerf_tx.ppwptc
You will find 3 lines on this format:
Dear TER
Thank you for your reply.
Yes I find using edit as you say ^^
I will test prod_test_simplerf_tx.ppwptc file after edit sa you say ^^
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
Dear TER
Can I ask onething???
How can I check RSSI ???? Have to need something equipment???
Or no need equipment? Just need CC Debuger with Purepath wireless commander???
As you can see What icon have to click?
I want to know how to check RSSI. Could you let me know about that?
Thank you
Best regards,
Hi Kim,
The procedure is covered by the help section but in short it consist of the following steps:
1) Flash your device with a "Production test" image instead of an Application one. This is selected on the "Flash Programming" page in PurePath WIreless Configurator.
2) Connect to the device with the debugger and make sure to alias the debugger in PurePath Wireless Commander with either "TESTER" or "SLAVE".
3) With the DUT connected in PurePath Wireless Commander, go to the RX/TX view and run your device in RX mode.
Best regards,
Dear Max.
Thank you for reply.
I understand completely but I could not find "Production Test" Image file.
Where can i find that???
Could you let me know?
Thank you for your co-operation.
Best regards,
Dear Max
I could not click "Program CC85xx device" button because of this button not activity.
please see the image as below.
How can I activity " Program CC85xx device" button?
And How can I change Purepath wireless commander 's Role name to TESTER or SLAVE????
And I have onemore question but this notice board not guarantee security my project data.
Could you let me know about your personal e-mail address or protect this post???
Now I can not upload my schematic etc because of everyone can see all of my data.
Thank you
Best regards,
Hi Kim
You need to have an active project open, for example the PurePath project you load on to your device in the first place. "Production Test" is just an alternative image of your own project.
Dear Max
Thank you. I understand.
And I have onemore question but this notice board not guarantee security my project data.
Could you let me know about your personal e-mail address or protect this post???
Now I can not upload my schematic etc because of everyone can see all of my data.
Thank you
Best regards,
This is a public forum. If you don't want to share sensitive information openly you can send a friend request to me. You will then be able to send me a private message containing the information you don't want to share openly.
I still think the range difference you see with indoor/ outdoor is related to the amount of background noise you have. Have you succeeded to measure the RSSI both places or do you have other means to measure this? I would like to get these numbers before looking into the settings files you sent.
- Are these plots taken indoor or outdoor? Please compare indoor and outdoor.
- Do you have the TX side turned off?
Dear TER.
This is only indoor.
Yes. TX side truned off.
Should I check also outside RSSI????
Thank you
Since you get a lot shorter range outdoors it's the outdoors numbers that are interesting.
I would assume you have WiFi and potentially Bluetooth operating, do you know which channels they operate on?
Dear TER
Finally, I cleared outdoor distance problem.
Thank you very much your kindly co-operation.
Thank you.
Best regards,