Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5359, CC1190
TI sub-1GHz Team,
Current by GE Lighting is trying to develop a common RF module platform with our CC1101 and MSP430 (F5359) using a common, shared 26MHz crystal if that is possible/recommended.
They desire to do so to save cost and BOM space. They have reviewed our DSs extensively and are very interested in doing this.
In doing so, they are seeking guidance as to which path to follow:
1) Let the CC1101 drive the crystal (and act as "Host" so to speak)
2) Let the MSP430 drive the crystal (and act as "Host" so to speak)
3) Use the MSP430 Clock Output feature @ 26MHz output with appropriate harmonic filtering (less likely)
Do we have a TI recommendation per above? GE is very interested.
Let me know if you need further information. Looking forward to input please.