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CC1352R: Can't flash a BLE OAD Production Image

Part Number: CC1352R
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH

Hi Expert,


SDK:            simplelink_cc13xx_cc26xx_sdk_5_30_01_01
Devices:      LPSTK-CC1352R1F3
XDC Tools:
Compiler:     ti-cgt-arm_20.2.5.LTS

I followed the instructions for building and loading an OAD image by flashing the BIM bim_offchip_CC1352R1_LAUNCHXL_nortos_ccs.hex (debug unsecure) and the *.bin generated by oad_image_tool.exe:

${CG_TOOL_HEX} -order MS --memwidth=8 --romwidth=8 --intel -o ${ProjName}.hex ${ProjName}
${COM_TI_SIMPLELINK_CC13XX_CC26XX_SDK_INSTALL_DIR}/tools/common/oad/oad_image_tool --verbose ccs ${PROJECT_LOC} 7 -hex1 ${ConfigName}/${ProjName}.hex -k ${COM_TI_SIMPLELINK_CC13XX_CC26XX_SDK_INSTALL_DIR}/tools/common/oad/private.pem -o ${ConfigName}/${ProjName}

However, with both Uniflash and Jlink, the device does not boot, despite:

1) Flash Verification OK

[SUCCESS] Cortex_M4_0: Program verification successful for Multiple Files

2) Image header OK

The image header looks good since informations exposed by oad_image_tool:

       OAD IMG HDR
Field       |    Value
imgID       |    b'CC13x2R1'
CRC         |    0x62EDF26E
bimVer      |    3
metaVer     |    1
techType    |    0xFFFE
imgCpStat   |    0xFF
crcStat     |    0xFF
imgType     |    0x7
imgNo       |    0x0
imgVld      |    0xFFFFFFFF
len         |    0x3F8D4
prgEntry    |    0xCC
softVer     |    0x31303030
imgEndAddr  |    0x3F8D3
hdrLen      |    0x2C


are present within the beginning of the *.bin:

Note 1: Also, I don't have any issue while flashing the *.out with Uniflash.

Note 2: The option 'Keep CCFG' is unchecked.


  1. So, if both image header and flash verification are correct, what could explain the fact the device does not boot while flashing the BIM.hex and *.bin?
  2. Is there a way to retrieve the boot failure? bootloader verbose message? others,.
  3. Is there a tool for verifying *.bin integrity, to ensure that the binary is not corrupted?


  • Hi Jo,

    I've assigned this thread to someone. They should reply shortly.


  • Hi,

    While carefully looking at the memory map, I noticed that the vector table is mapped @ 0x0090.:

     output                                  attributes/
    section   page    origin      length       input sections
    --------  ----  ----------  ----------   ----------------
    *          0    00000000    0000008d     
                      00000000    0000008d     oad_image_header_app.obj (.image_header:retain)
    *          0    00000090    0000003c     
                      00000090    0000003c     mioty_pem4f.oem4f (.resetVecs)
    .intvecs   0    000000cc    00000000     UNINITIALIZED

    However, the program entry point (prgEntry) specified within the .image_header and used by the BIM equal to 0x00cc which corresponds to the .intvecs:

           OAD IMG HDR
    Field       |    Value
    imgID       |    b'CC13x2R1'
    CRC         |    0x62EDF26E
    bimVer      |    3
    metaVer     |    1
    techType    |    0xFFFE
    imgCpStat   |    0xFF
    crcStat     |    0xFF
    imgType     |    0x7
    imgNo       |    0x0
    imgVld      |    0xFFFFFFFF
    len         |    0x3F8D4
    prgEntry    |    0xCC          // <- it should be 0x90 for the .resetVecs
    softVer     |    0x31303030
    imgEndAddr  |    0x3F8D3
    hdrLen      |    0x2C

    In fact, the linker script exposes the symbol prgEntryAddr at the address of .intvecs instead of .resetVecs.

        .intvecs        LOAD_START(prgEntryAddr)

    As a result, instead of jumping at the interrupt vector table ( .resetVecs), the device jumps at intvecs (which is not used by CCS compiler).

    So for fixing my problem, I modified the linker script COM_TI_SIMPLELINK_CC13XX_CC26XX_SDK_INSTALL_DIR\source\ti\ble5stack\common\cc26xx\ccs\cc26x2_app_oad_agama.cmd as follow:

        .resetVecs  LOAD_START(prgEntryAddr)

    Could you please confirm? 


  • Hi Jo,

    I don't recognize the code snippet you posted. Per default this is the code snippet in the SDK:

        EntrySection  LOAD_START(prgEntryAddr)


    Marie H.

  • Hi Marie,

    Thanks for your contribution, it's just a wrong copy paste.

    My point is that prgEntryAddr does not represent .resetVecs but .intvecs address and for any reason, my OAD project have the following memory mapping:

    .resetVecs @ 0x90

    .intvecs @ 0xCC

    prgEntryAddr @ 0xCC 

     output                                  attributes/
    section   page    origin      length       input sections
    --------  ----  ----------  ----------   ----------------
    *          0    00000000    0000008d     
                      00000000    0000008d     oad_image_header_app.obj (.image_header:retain)
    *          0    00000090    0000003c     
                      00000090    0000003c     mioty_pem4f.oem4f (.resetVecs)
    .intvecs   0    000000cc    00000000     UNINITIALIZED
    *          0    000000cc    00000000     UNINITIALIZED

    As a result instead of jumping at 0x90 (.resetVecs), the bootloader loads the application at .intvecs (0xCC)  leading to a crash.

    My solution was to modify the linker script in order to set prgEntryAddr address at .resetVecs location.

    Also the dmm_wsnnode_ble_sp_oad_app_CC1352R1_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ccs project contains 2 .resetVecs  sections:

    • The first one @ 0x90 with a length of: 0x3C
    • The 2nd one (also) @ 0x90 with a length of 0x00 following by both the .intvecs and EntrySection

     output                                  attributes/
    section   page    origin      length       input sections
    --------  ----  ----------  ----------   ----------------
    *          0    20000100    00000004     UNINITIALIZED
                      20000100    00000004     ble_oad_release_pem4f.oem4f (.data:xdcRomConstPtr)
    *          0    20000104    00000004     UNINITIALIZED
                      20000104    00000004     ble_oad_release_pem4f.oem4f (.data:xdcRomExternFuncPtr)
    *          0    20000108    00000004     UNINITIALIZED
                      20000108    00000004     ble_oad_release_pem4f.oem4f (.data:xdcRomStatePtr)
    *          0    00000000    00000008     DSECT
                      00000000    00000008     boot.aem4f : boot.oem4f (.bootVecs)
    *          0    00000090    0000003c     
                      00000090    0000003c     ble_oad_release_pem4f.oem4f (.resetVecs)
    .vecs      0    20000000    000000d8     NOLOAD SECTION
                      20000000    000000d8     ble_oad_release_pem4f.oem4f (.vecs)
    xdc.meta   0    00000000    00000122     COPY SECTION
                      00000000    00000122     ble_oad_release_pem4f.oem4f (xdc.meta)
    *          0    00000000    00000000     COPY SECTION
    *          0    00000000    0000008d     
                      00000000    0000008d     oad_image_header_app.obj (.image_header:retain)
    *          0    00000090    00000000     UNINITIALIZED
    .intvecs   0    00000090    00000000     UNINITIALIZED

    Question (please answer):

    What's the module responsible for creating .resetVecs at the same address (0x90) but with different lengths (respectively 0x3C and 0x00)?


  • Hi Jo,

    Sorry for the delay.

    I just built the simple_peripheral project from the SDK 5.30 (simple_peripheral_oad_offchip_CC13X2R1_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ccs). This is the map file code snippet. As you can see, it's different from your file:

    *          0    00000000    0000008d     
                      00000000    0000008d     oad_image_header_app.obj (.image_header:retain)
    *          0    00000090    00000000     UNINITIALIZED
    .intvecs   0    00000090    00000000     UNINITIALIZED
    *          0    00000090    00000000     UNINITIALIZED

    Which OAD project are you basing your code on?


    Marie H