I am using CC1310 Launchpad and CCS to program it. I want my microcontroller to wake up from stand-by mode when I/O interrupts occurs. I am using the sleep() function to put into standby mode. I am building noRTOS application. Following is the API I am using to wake it up.
AONEventMcuWakeUpSet(AON_EVENT_MCU_WU2,AON_EVENT_DIO1); //Wake up on edge detect on IO1 pin
Following is the pseudo code to help you understand what my application needs to do
Wake up;
FLAG = 1;
Required Configurations;
if(FLAG = 0)
sleep(infinite time);
Clear the interrupt;
tx the data;
FLAG = 0;
But the problem is microcontroller is not waking up. As soon as an interrupt occurs it execute the ISR and then goes to sleep again i.e. it resumes wherever it stops before going to ISR.
why i am not able to wake it up using the above API? what configurations i am missing?