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CC2530EM: UART Flow Control - RTS not asserting

Part Number: CC2530EM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SIMPLICITI

I'm working on a design using SimpliciTI 1.2.0 in IAR workbench 9.10.1.  I know this is an old stack but it suits this simple project.  I have completed development and I'm in testing phase.

I have an issue with flow control.  I used design note DN117 to add UART to the project.  It was written by Jim Noxon and Kristoffer Flores so I don't know if you have their contact emails?

I followed DN117 step by step.  The UART functions as expected and baud rate, FIFO buffer sizes and flow control can be set successfully. 


RT never seems to assert high.  It is always low. I tested by reducing FIFO TX RX buffer size, and flooding RX buffer with bytes but the RT never goes high.  I'm measuring the RT pin with a multimeter and have also used another microcontroller to read state of RT pin.  The pin never goes high and bytes overrun the buffer and are lost, so if this pin never goes high how will the other microcontroller know when to stop sending bytes?  This means that flow control has failed.


The CT pin functions as expected, when it is asserted high TX is halted, and when asserted low TX resumes.  So flow control is activated.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    Due to National holiday, we cannot answer your query today. An answer will be provided tomorrow.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Lidong,

    There is an important note on the SIMPLICITI tool page:

    This software is not recommended for new designs. No development efforts ongoing for bug fixes or feature enhancements. Please leverage one of our software example libraries as a starting point.

    DN117 (written over a decade ago) pre-dates the SIMPLICITI v1.2.0 which has included the UART bridge, thus you should be able to follow Section 3.5 of the Sample Applications User's Guide for instructions on adding UART.  Can you verify UART operation without using flow control?  I recommend checking that UCR_FLOW is set in UxUCR along with the corresponding RTS/CTS pins in PxSEL depending on the USARTx configuration.  Make sure to test using a slower baud rate and note that the recommended IAR version is V7.60.7
