We use the CC1310 in the battery operated field units with the compact helical antenna whilst in the base station antenna choice is much more flexible since their are no size/power constrains. We have tried this 5dBi co-linear dipole: https://www.digikey.co.uk/en/products/detail/nearson-inc/SG1019NM-915/7402746 However performance is only slightly better than a stubby monopole. Both this antenna are 50R, so no match is applied, just a dc blocking cap.
We use the standard balun and filter from the differential output of the cc1310 to convert to a single-ended output, but normally a dipole would be driven by a balanced output. Is there a recommended schematic for using dipole antennas with the cc1310?
Do you have any specific recommendation for best performance when there are no size/power constrains?