After some difficulty we manage to run TI-15.4-STACK-GATEWAY-LINUX-SDK example application, Also manage to get sensor to connected. running that example was not a smooth experience. collector application on Linux gives intermittent issues but we manage to get system working. however this does no fill us with confidence. We do not feel confident just implementing out of box example code with change to accommodate our application specific logic.
Also there is no way to debug example code as it uses make file to build host_collector and then run executable. after spending so much time/effort and money on this solution unable to debug application(CoP/Gateway) is not a practical solution.
We have been working with Third Party lib, example for years now. its never as difficult as this has been. The point of providing SDK is to be able to implement it in custom project easily. Maybe the idea is to just change example code to suit the need is just like using EVM board in final solution not acceptably.
If possible we would like to setup a basic c project. link/include sdk lib and ability to debug. we may end up using 70 80% of example code but at least we will be the ability to debug issues and enhance functionality.