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I wanted to use SMA instead of onboard antenna , according to the documents I need to remove A2 and short R158.
What is A1? what does DNM mean? what do i do with it?
Will there be a significant increase in the range of signal transmission if i use external antenna?
I was using EasylinkTx and EasyLinkRx example from resource monitor.
I have also enabled cc1190 using the following pin configuration
LNA_EN and the PA_EN
Now i was able to Transmit till 220 meters..
What is the maximum distance I can transmit till? and will using external antenna using SMA connector help me with increasing range?
A1, A2 and A3 is a pi-network for antenna matching purposes. A1 is not needed for this board so it has been marked as DNM which stands for Do Not Mount.
The antenna on this board has good performance so it is not automatic that using an external antenna will give a greater range. However, much depends on the orientation of the boards. With the PCB antenna, the boards should be facing each other for optimum range performance. i.e. each board shall "see" the full antenna trace and not the edges of the board.
Even with an external antenna, the orientation of the boards is critical since the radiation plot for a dipole is like a donut around the antenna with a 10-15 dB null at the top of the antenna and up to 2.15 dBi around the antenna. Therefore, the orientation of the boards can affect the link budget up to +4.3 dBi but also -as low as 20 dBi to -30 dBi.
Please refer to the Range Estimator for a practical range estimation: