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CC1310: Accessing CC1310F128 gets failed to connect

Part Number: CC1310
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH,


I'm trying to update a cc1310 using UniFlash.

It appears the that I have an xds100V3, when accessing memory and any other function as far as I can tell it get a message like this (note it was in a single line but I edited it):

Error connecting to the target:
(Error -151 @ 0x0) One of the FTDI driver functions used during the connect returned bad status or an error.
The cause may be one or more of: no XDS100 is plugged in, invalid XDS100 serial number,
blank XDS100 EEPROM,
missing FTDI drivers,
faulty USB cable.
Use the xds100serial command-line utility in the 'common/uscif' folder to verify the XDS100 can be located.
(Emulation package
err.txt (END)

I get 
0) TIXDS100v3_Dot7_Connection

When I am running uniFlash it claims ut us connected to XDS100v3 USB Debug Probe.
In the device manager I can see the it under "other devices" twice, but when I open it, it says "No drivers are installed for this device". It does not know the manufacture even though it sees it in the name.

I've tried un/install for uniFlash. I've tried looking for the drivers in the /ti/uniflash_8.8.0 directory.
The only file with xds100 as part of the name is:
cat ./TICloudAgentHostApp/src/targetDetection/xds100.js
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.detectDebugProbe = void 0;
const Q = require("q");
function detectDebugProbe(_attachedProbes, id) {
// Assume it's xds100v2
return Q({ connectionXml: "TIXDS100v2_Connection", id });
exports.detectDebugProbe = detectDebugProbe;
Note, I'm using WSL to look for the files, but I'm running the code in Windows or PowerShell. I'm running Windows 10.

I tried changing TIXDS100v2_Connection, to TIXDS100v3_Connection but got the same result.

I tried searching but did not find anything relevant to this problem.

  • Are you using our Launchpads, or have you made your own HW.

    If the latter is the case, what reference design have you used?

    Are you able to connect to your device using for example SmartRF Studio or the SmartRF Flash programmer?

    what version of Uniflash are you using?


  • Thanks for your response; let me see if I can provide an intelligent answer.

    First, the cc1310 F128 is on a legacy board and it is being designed into a new board.  There is a minimum of legacy knowledge about the design.
    I need to program it on the new board when it arrives, and I'm trying to learn how to do it on the new board.
    I'm remote (but within travel distance) to the rest of the team.  My next step may be to get into the office for assistance, however it is be great to solve this here.
    Probably TMI, but it doesn't hurt.
    So, I believe the answer is no Launchpad device. I don't know the reference design, and it looks like the SmartRF Flash programmer sees the device but says, "Wait." As I'm doing this, I try it again, and now it sees it. However, it does not recognize the file format I have, which is CCXML.
    However, after installing this software, Uniflash now sees the device, and I'm able to read memory.
    But then Uniflash looks like it is happy when I ask it to program my device, but after running for 15 to 20 seconds, it says:
    Encountered a problem loading file: C:/Users/Emilio Rojas/Downloads/CC1310F128.ccxml Could not determine target type of file.

    In the Console, I get:

    [9/23/2024, 11:02:29 AM] [ERROR] Cortex_M3_0: Failed Board Reset: (Error -182 @ 0x0) The controller has detected a cable break that is near-to itself. The user must connect the cable/pod to the controller. (Emulation package
    [9/23/2024, 11:02:29 AM] [ERROR] Cortex_M3_0: GEL: Error while executing StartUp( 12, 8, 0, 3522 ): Reset failed: retcode=-1 at GEL_AdvancedReset("Board Reset") [cc26x0.gel:29] at StartUp(12, 8, 0, 3522)

    The connections appear to be good, so I have no idea what this is telling me.

    This is the file the company I'm working with gave me to as the program file.  So if I have a file with the wrong format or that has been corrupted I have no way of knowing at this porint.

    But since I'm in the middle of writing this message, I figured I should send it and see if you can give me any useful advice. It might also be useful to some other soul trying to do something similar.


  • OK, using the wrong file. I had exported the XML file to try it on Linux and I was confused because the other file was in the wrong place.
    I have an .elf file that works, and installing the Flash Programmer must have fixed my driver issue.