Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH,
I'm trying to update a cc1310 using UniFlash.
It appears the that I have an xds100V3, when accessing memory and any other function as far as I can tell it get a message like this (note it was in a single line but I edited it):
Error connecting to the target:
(Error -151 @ 0x0) One of the FTDI driver functions used during the connect returned bad status or an error.
The cause may be one or more of: no XDS100 is plugged in, invalid XDS100 serial number,
blank XDS100 EEPROM,
missing FTDI drivers,
faulty USB cable.
Use the xds100serial command-line utility in the 'common/uscif' folder to verify the XDS100 can be located.
(Emulation package
err.txt (END)
I get
0) TIXDS100v3_Dot7_Connection
When I am running uniFlash it claims ut us connected to XDS100v3 USB Debug Probe.
In the device manager I can see the it under "other devices" twice, but when I open it, it says "No drivers are installed for this device". It does not know the manufacture even though it sees it in the name.
I've tried un/install for uniFlash. I've tried looking for the drivers in the /ti/uniflash_8.8.0 directory.
The only file with xds100 as part of the name is:
cat ./TICloudAgentHostApp/src/targetDetection/xds100.js
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.detectDebugProbe = void 0;
const Q = require("q");
function detectDebugProbe(_attachedProbes, id) {
// Assume it's xds100v2
return Q({ connectionXml: "TIXDS100v2_Connection", id });
exports.detectDebugProbe = detectDebugProbe;
Note, I'm using WSL to look for the files, but I'm running the code in Windows or PowerShell. I'm running Windows 10.
I tried changing TIXDS100v2_Connection, to TIXDS100v3_Connection but got the same result.
I tried searching but did not find anything relevant to this problem.