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CC1352P7: CC1352P7-4: host side to CC1352P7-4 bootloader. Where to download cc13xxdnld and sblUart?

Part Number: CC1352P7



I have read here about Linux® Serial Bootloader Example Application. This application uses cc13xxdnld module and sblUart module. I searched for a while however I did not found where are these modules.

Can you give some points where to search / find these modules?

Ivan Cenov

  • Hi Ivan,

    I have to find those libraries, but in the meantime, the most up-to-date module to flash the CC1352P7 is the following:



  • Thank you for the answer. We were able to use the Python script to program CC1352P7-4 on our PCB. Then tried to do the same on LP-CC1352P7-4 however without success. We have enabled the bootloader and the backdoor and are sure that we can put CC1352P7-4 into bootloader mode. However the script did not receive answer to initial handshaking. Here is the log

    cc1352_flasher -w -p COM10 -b 115200  emptyclang.hex
    Setting filename to emptyclang.hex
    Opening port COM10, baud 115200
    Reading data from emptyclang.hex
    Your firmware looks like an Intel Hex file
    Connecting to target...
    ERROR: Timeout waiting for ACK/NACK after 'Synch (0x55 0x55)'

    Now our additional question is: Is it possible by design to program CC1352P7-4 thorough UART on LP-CC1352P7-4. Is there some specific hints?


  • Hi Ivan,

    It is indeed possible by design, but the bootloader has to be activated. So for instance, if you erase the flash completely, you can enter the bootloader:

    If you already have a program, you can setup the bootloader backdoor pin to a DIO of your choosing (see Technical Reference Manual chapter 10).

    Overall, here is the document, and reference implementation that explains all of that in details:

