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CC1125: Need example code

Part Number: CC1125
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5438A, SMARTRFTRXEBK


Hi everyone,

I am working on CC125 using pic32cm5164ls60100 I need basic example code for transmitting data through cc125 


  • SW can be found here:

    SWRC253 Code example or demo |

    Use SMartRF STudio to generate settings for the CC1125.



  • Hi Siri,

    Thanks for reply 

    SWRC253 Code example or demo |

    I downloaded the project from above link and when I was importing the project it was not happening in CCS

    Can you tell me the steps to only transmit data through CC1125 using SPI without using any interrupt.

    I am new to RF communication.

    Best regard


  • you can look at the file CC112x_easy_link_tx.c that show a very simple example on how to transmit a packet.

    The necessary steps you need to implement are the following:

    Init you MCU

    Init the radio with the SPI registers exported from SmartRF Studio (settings found in the cc112x_easy_link_reg_config.h)

    Write the data to your TX FIFO

    Strobe STX.

    The SPI functions are found here:


    and must be ported to your MCU


  • Hi Siri,

    Thanks for reply,

    i follow your instruction but my cc1125 does not generate interrupt and stuck at while(packetSemaphore != ISR_ACTION_REQUIRED);

    i also checked Oscilloscope GPIO 2 IS continue 3.3V

    Right now i am using SMARTRFTRXEBK and i have 2 SMARTRFTRXEBK. 

    But one of my friend give one example code by using that code i am getting some result.

    This is the result continuously i get on spectrum analyzer and  i don't know this is data or something else .

    but the problem is when i try to receive this transmitted data on another SMARTRFTRXEBK using smart studio RF i did not get any result.

    but when i used SMARTRFTRXEBK  using smart RF studio for transmitting and receiving both i am able to receive and send but with code i am getting signal on spectrum analyzer. 

    BELOW is my code

    cc112xSpiReadReg(CC112X_PARTNUMBER, &Device_id, 1); //Read Devcie ID CC1125 = 0x58
    if(Device_id == 0x58)
    P4OUT &= ~BIT0; // Led1 ON
    Crystal_freq.ver = 0x01;
    } = Device_id;
    // trxDetectRfCrystalFrequency(&Crystal_freq);
    trxSpiCmdStrobe(CC112X_SRES); // RESET Radio
    unsigned char writeByte=0x06;

    // manualCalibration();
    cc112xSpiWriteReg(CC112X_IOCFG2, &writeByte, 1);
    cc112xSpiReadReg( CC112X_IOCFG2,&reg_red,1);
    //-------------------------- Rx
    // trxSpiCmdStrobe(CC112X_SIDLE); // Ideal


    cc112xSpiWriteReg(CC112X_PKT_CFG0, 0x40, 1); // PKT_CFG = Infinit Packet mod
    cc112xSpiWriteReg(CC112X_PKT_LEN, 0x00, 1); // PKT_Lenght 256

    Tx_buff[0] =00;
    for(i=1; i<(Buff_Size+1); i++)
    Tx_buff[i] = 'A';
    trxSpiCmdStrobe(CC112X_SFTX); // Flush Tx buffer

    cc112xSpiWriteTxFifo(Tx_buff, (Buff_Size+1));

    // Strobe TX to send packet

    Tx_buff[0] =Buff_Size+1;

    for(i=1; i<(Buff_Size+1); i++)
    Tx_buff[i] = 'B';
    trxSpiCmdStrobe(CC112X_SFTX); // Flush Tx buffer
    cc112xSpiWriteTxFifo(Tx_buff, (Buff_Size+1));
    trxSpiCmdStrobe(CC112X_SFTX); // Flush Tx buffer

    cc112xSpiWriteReg(CC112X_PKT_CFG0, 0x20, 1); // PKT_CFG = Infinit Packet mod
    cc112xSpiWriteReg(CC112X_PKT_LEN, 0x30, 1); // PKT_Lenght 256

    Tx_buff[0] =48;

    for(i=1; i<49; i++)
    Tx_buff[i] = 'C';
    trxSpiCmdStrobe(CC112X_SFTX); // Flush Tx buffer
    cc112xSpiWriteTxFifo(Tx_buff, 49);
    trxSpiCmdStrobe(CC112X_SFTX); // Flush Tx buffer


    Best regard


  • Please follow my advice as to what the code needs to do.

    Since you are using our EMs we know that the HW is good, so the problem must be related to SW.

    I do not understand at all what you are trying to do with the posted code, mixing infinite packet length mode and varialbe packet length mode etc, and I do not know what register settings you are using.

    You should test some simple code like this:

    Use the following settings from SmartRF Studio:

    // Address Config = No address check 
    // Bit Rate = 1.2 
    // Carrier Frequency = 869.224854 
    // Deviation = 3.995895 
    // Device Address = 0 
    // Manchester Enable = false 
    // Modulation Format = 2-GFSK 
    // PA Ramping = true 
    // Packet Bit Length = 0 
    // Packet Length = 255 
    // Packet Length Mode = Variable 
    // Performance Mode = High Performance 
    // RX Filter BW = 15.625000 
    // Symbol rate = 1.2 
    // TX Power = 15 
    // Whitening = false 
    static const registerSetting_t preferredSettings[]= 
      {CC1125_IOCFG3,            0xB0},
      {CC1125_IOCFG2,            0x06},
      {CC1125_IOCFG1,            0xB0},
      {CC1125_IOCFG0,            0x40},
      {CC1125_SYNC_CFG1,         0x08},
      {CC1125_DEVIATION_M,       0xA3},
      {CC1125_MODCFG_DEV_E,      0x0A},
      {CC1125_DCFILT_CFG,        0x1C},
      {CC1125_FREQ_IF_CFG,       0x33},
      {CC1125_IQIC,              0xC6},
      {CC1125_CHAN_BW,           0x10},
      {CC1125_MDMCFG0,           0x05},
      {CC1125_SYMBOL_RATE2,      0x3F},
      {CC1125_SYMBOL_RATE1,      0x75},
      {CC1125_SYMBOL_RATE0,      0x10},
      {CC1125_AGC_REF,           0x20},
      {CC1125_AGC_CS_THR,        0x19},
      {CC1125_AGC_CFG1,          0xA9},
      {CC1125_AGC_CFG0,          0xCF},
      {CC1125_FIFO_CFG,          0x00},
      {CC1125_FS_CFG,            0x12},
      {CC1125_PKT_CFG0,          0x20},
      {CC1125_PKT_LEN,           0xFF},
      {CC1125_IF_MIX_CFG,        0x00},
      {CC1125_FREQOFF_CFG,       0x22},
      {CC1125_FREQ2,             0x56},
      {CC1125_FREQ1,             0xEC},
      {CC1125_FREQ0,             0x28},
      {CC1125_IF_ADC0,           0x05},
      {CC1125_FS_DIG1,           0x00},
      {CC1125_FS_DIG0,           0x5F},
      {CC1125_FS_CAL0,           0x0E},
      {CC1125_FS_DIVTWO,         0x03},
      {CC1125_FS_DSM0,           0x33},
      {CC1125_FS_DVC0,           0x17},
      {CC1125_FS_PFD,            0x50},
      {CC1125_FS_PRE,            0x6E},
      {CC1125_FS_REG_DIV_CML,    0x14},
      {CC1125_FS_SPARE,          0xAC},
      {CC1125_XOSC5,             0x0E},
      {CC1125_XOSC3,             0xC7},
      {CC1125_XOSC1,             0x07},

    #define PKTLEN	5
    uint8 Tx_buff[PKTLEN + 1] = {0};
    uint8 Rx_buff[PKTLEN + 1 + 2] = {0}; // Need to have room for length byte and 2 status bytes
    trxSpiCmdStrobe(CC112X_SRES); // RESET Radio
    // if PARTVERSION is 0x21, do manual calibration (if this is the case, SETTLING_CFG should be set to 0x03 instead of 0x0B)
    // manualCalibration();
    // Implement packet length filtering to avoid overflow
    // PKTLEN must no be larger than 128 - 3 = 125  to make sure that the comeplete payload + length byte + status bytes
    // ha ve room in the FIFO
    writeByte = PKTLEN;
    cc112xSpiWriteReg(CC112X_PKT_LEN, &writeByte, 1);
    // TX:
    Tx_buff[0] = PKTLEN; // Length byte
    for(i = 1; i < (PKTLEN + 1); i++)
        Tx_buff[i] = 'A'; // Payload consiste of 0xAAAAAAAAAA
    // Write the packet to the TX FIFO
    cc112xSpiWriteTxFifo(Tx_buff, sizeof(Tx_buff));
    // Strobe TX to send packet
    // Wait for falling edge of GDO2
    // RX:
    // Wait for falling edge of GDO2
    // Read the RX FIFO when a packet has been received
