in the cc1310's datasheet,all the parameters are at 868 MHz. How to measure the Receiver sensitivity at 433 MHz? I try to do this,but the RSSI view from SmartRF studio 7 is larger 6dBm than the value at Signal generator。
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in the cc1310's datasheet,all the parameters are at 868 MHz. How to measure the Receiver sensitivity at 433 MHz? I try to do this,but the RSSI view from SmartRF studio 7 is larger 6dBm than the value at Signal generator。
Sverre said:You are correct, SmartRF Studio does not give the correct RSSI reading when operating at 433 MHz.
At 868 MHz operation the measured input power level is corrected by -5 dB (RSSI offset) internally. At 433 MHz operation the correct RSSI offset is +1 dB. Since 433 MHz operation is not fully characterized, the settings (including RSSI offset) use the the "868 MHz values". Thus, when changing the RF frequency from 868 to 433 MHz the displayed RSSI will be 6 d too high.
We will correct this when we have the final 433 MHz settings. For the time being simply subtract 6 dB from the displayed RSSI readings.
Now i used the 433MHz setting in SmartRF studio 7 v2.3.1, i change "txPower\centerFreq\loDivider"in smartrf_setting.c in rfPacketTX, but can't receive anything in SmartRF studio. Is this modify right?
Both SmartRF Studio and Flash Programmer 2 reports the version of the chip when connected. Rev 2.0 = rev A, rev 2.1 = rev B.
Note that the Lauchpads are designed for 868 MHz.
- The match/ filtering are tuned for 868/ 915 MHz meaning that when used on 433 MHz the PA will see far from the optimal impedance. Also the harmonics could be too high from a regulation standpoint since the filtering is designed for 868 MHz.
- The antenna is tuned for 868/ 915 MHz meaning that the efficiency on 433 MHz will be very poor.
To use the LP on 433 MHz and get good results you have to change the BOM to comply with the 433 MHz reference design and use an external 433 MHz antenna.
You will not get a different RSSI with a different TI-RTOS/ TI Stack since this is a fundamental hardware limit.