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Configuring RF1101SE (CC1101) for 433.68 MHZ

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1101

Hello all

I am completely noob to RF communications - is not even my LOB (I am a farmer) but because I need to automatize the start-up of my power generator (it has a remote control) I bought an RF1101SE from ebay (with CC1101 chip).

My farm produces vegetables as well as fish (aquaponics), therefore power failures are a disaster for me, because if my fish don't receive the air they need, they die.

Weather has been extremely rainy, and in two occasions we´ve taken a lot of time to react to this, leading to the death of some of my animals.

I am using a series of Arduinos to control everything; it is my intention to use another arduino to start and stop the power gen when needed, but I just don´t even get to understand how to finetune the frequency for 433.68 MHZ (the freq of the remote control), so I can clone the RF signals.

Can you help me, please?


  • Download SmartRF Studio and use this to calculate the FREQ word for the frequency you need.
  • TER said:
    Download SmartRF Studio and use this to calculate the FREQ word for the frequency you need.


    Thanks for your reply. I have a doubt:

    1) I am using the RF1101SE bought from ebay - I understand it has the CC1101 chip, nevertheless.

    I downloaded the tool -- but I see a lot of different values -- which ones are the relevant?

    I downloaded a lib from the net for this specific device.

    the header file from the lib has this registers:

     * RF1101 configuration registers
    #define RF1101_IOCFG2            0x00        // GDO2 Output Pin Configuration
    #define RF1101_IOCFG1            0x01        // GDO1 Output Pin Configuration
    #define RF1101_IOCFG0            0x02        // GDO0 Output Pin Configuration
    #define RF1101_FIFOTHR           0x03        // RX FIFO and TX FIFO Thresholds
    #define RF1101_SYNC1             0x04        // Sync Word, High Byte
    #define RF1101_SYNC0             0x05        // Sync Word, Low Byte
    #define RF1101_PKTLEN            0x06        // Packet Length
    #define RF1101_PKTCTRL1          0x07        // Packet Automation Control
    #define RF1101_PKTCTRL0          0x08        // Packet Automation Control
    #define RF1101_ADDR              0x09        // Device Address
    #define RF1101_CHANNR            0x0A        // Channel Number
    #define RF1101_FSCTRL1           0x0B        // Frequency Synthesizer Control
    #define RF1101_FSCTRL0           0x0C        // Frequency Synthesizer Control
    #define RF1101_FREQ2             0x0D        // Frequency Control Word, High Byte
    #define RF1101_FREQ1             0x0E        // Frequency Control Word, Middle Byte
    #define RF1101_FREQ0             0x0F        // Frequency Control Word, Low Byte
    #define RF1101_MDMCFG4           0x10        // Modem Configuration
    #define RF1101_MDMCFG3           0x11        // Modem Configuration
    #define RF1101_MDMCFG2           0x12        // Modem Configuration
    #define RF1101_MDMCFG1           0x13        // Modem Configuration
    #define RF1101_MDMCFG0           0x14        // Modem Configuration
    #define RF1101_DEVIATN           0x15        // Modem Deviation Setting
    #define RF1101_MCSM2             0x16        // Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
    #define RF1101_MCSM1             0x17        // Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
    #define RF1101_MCSM0             0x18        // Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
    #define RF1101_FOCCFG            0x19        // Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration
    #define RF1101_BSCFG             0x1A        // Bit Synchronization Configuration
    #define RF1101_AGCCTRL2          0x1B        // AGC Control
    #define RF1101_AGCCTRL1          0x1C        // AGC Control
    #define RF1101_AGCCTRL0          0x1D        // AGC Control
    #define RF1101_WOREVT1           0x1E        // High Byte Event0 Timeout
    #define RF1101_WOREVT0           0x1F        // Low Byte Event0 Timeout
    #define RF1101_WORCTRL           0x20        // Wake On Radio Control
    #define RF1101_FREND1            0x21        // Front End RX Configuration
    #define RF1101_FREND0            0x22        // Front End TX Configuration
    #define RF1101_FSCAL3            0x23        // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
    #define RF1101_FSCAL2            0x24        // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
    #define RF1101_FSCAL1            0x25        // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
    #define RF1101_FSCAL0            0x26        // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
    #define RF1101_RCCTRL1           0x27        // RC Oscillator Configuration
    #define RF1101_RCCTRL0           0x28        // RC Oscillator Configuration
    #define RF1101_FSTEST            0x29        // Frequency Synthesizer Calibration Control
    #define RF1101_PTEST             0x2A        // Production Test
    #define RF1101_AGCTEST           0x2B        // AGC Test
    #define RF1101_TEST2             0x2C        // Various Test Settings
    #define RF1101_TEST1             0x2D        // Various Test Settings
    #define RF1101_TEST0             0x2E        // Various Test Settings

    And the code from the smart RF studio reads the following registers:

    #ifndef SMARTRF_CC1101_H
    #define SMARTRF_CC1101_H
    #define SMARTRF_RADIO_CC1101
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_IOCFG0     0x06
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_FIFOTHR    0x47
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_SYNC1      0x7A
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_SYNC0      0x0E
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_PKTLEN     0x14
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_PKTCTRL0   0x05
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCTRL1    0x06
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_FREQ2      0x10
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_FREQ1      0xAE
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_FREQ0      0x14
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_MDMCFG3    0xF8
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_MDMCFG2    0x16
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_DEVIATN    0x40
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_MCSM0      0x18
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_FOCCFG     0x16
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_AGCCTRL2   0x43
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_AGCCTRL1   0x49
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCAL3     0xE9
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCAL2     0x2A
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCAL1     0x00
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_FSCAL0     0x1F
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_TEST2      0x81
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_TEST1      0x35
    #define SMARTRF_SETTING_TEST0      0x09

    Should I leave out all my code from the lib, and just replace it with the new values from the RF studio? or should I just select those relevant registers and update the data of the RF studio code?

    I am affraid to fry my CC1101 chip if I write some wrong code.

    Thanks for your time to read this.


  • Use the full export. You will not be able to damage the chip with wrong code