Hi to everyone!
I'm trying to use a CC1125 RF chip on an Arduino via SPI, but I do not get any response. I do not know what I'm doing wrong!
I have the Smart Transceiver Evaluation Board v1.7 and the EM chip, so I plug the pins into the MSP 430 I/O Header (CS in P3.0, MOSI in P3.1, MISO in P3.2, SCLK in P3. 3 and RESET in P8.0). The pins in the Breakout header do the same, right?
Now, on Arduino, I just want to do a simple test by reading the IOCFG3 address using a Single Register Access type. So I just have to send a Byte with the following bits:
- First 1 (to read a register).
- Then 0 (for a single access, not a burst).
- And finally a 000000 (the address of IOCFG3)
Then the byte finally is 10000000.
And before sending that:
- First, I configure the SPI on the Genuine Arduino 101 (Pin 8 for RESET, 10 for SS, 11 for MOSI, 12 for MISO and 13 for SCK).
- I set the frequency to 8Mhz, MSB first and SPI_MODE0 (Rising data capture).
- Then, reset the RF chip setting pin 8 to HIGH.
- Lower the SS pin.
- Waiting until MISO is low.
- Sending the byte.
- Waiting until I get the answer.
- High SS pin.
- And closing the SPI connection.
(When I run SmartRF Studio 7 I get, in the IOCFG3 register, the value 0xB0 in hexadecimal, so I expect that value or 176 in decimal.)
I have programmed and executed the following code in the Arduino:
But I always reach: "Sending: 128" and I never get an answer.
What could I be doing wrong? It could be a problem with voltage?
Thanks in advance!