I'm using CC1310 custom boards for my project.
I'm using IAR ide for development.
I'm using Nortos in my project. I've seen the Bim examples provided in the ble stack directory and have successfully achieved creating 2 separate projects and jump between both the projects situated at different flash locations.
Let's say App1 is at 0x00 and App2 is at 0x100. I've defined the app start address and vector table start addresses as follows.
For App1 Vector table start is @ 0x00 and App2 vector table start os @0x100. Both applications run just fine and I'm able to switch between them but let's say suppose my execution is in App2 and there's a POR then after resuming the controller starts running App1.
This behavior indicates that I'll have to change more things than just the vector table addresses. I read the reference manual which says that by default after reset controller will switch the execution to 0x00.
My question is
1. Is there a way to change this default jump address?
I've also read about Vector table offset register which can be changed.
2. So is Vtor the solution to my problem?
3. If yes can anyone tell me which function will let me write to this register?
Also while searching about related question i came across m3hwi.resetvectoraddress which needs to be changed in one of the .cfg file. But that question was related to ccs and I'm using IAR.
4. So can we change the default vector address by changing it's value in a file before builiding the project? If yes then how?