dear champion,
my customer using TI Stack 15,4 and when they use the HW interrupt KEY_TIMER_EVT, it will result the whole task execution from the beginning.
where is the wrong could happen?
SDK version:
example project: sensor
CCS version:8.0.0
compiler version: TI v16.9.6.TLS
if(Sensor_events & SENSOR_KEY_TIMER_EVT) { NV_userFlage_t userFlage; uint8_t appKeyState=0; appKeyState=UserKeyStateCheck(PIN_getInputValue(PIN_KEY)); switch(appKeyState) { case KEY_STATE_LONG://the key is holding low for 3s #if(ALLOW_DEBUG_FLAG) DevUartWrite("Key Long\r\n", 10); #endif Ssf_clearNetworkInfo(); //clear the network information userAtteSuccessFlag=false; //re-certification userSendRSuccessFlag=false; userFlage.AtteSuccessFlag=false; DevDataUpdate_FLAGE(&userFlage); Jdllc_init(&Sensor_macCallbacks, &jdllcCallbacks); //add by the customer and the initial function Ssf_setPollClock(devInfoBlock.pollInterval);//polling Util_setEvent(&Sensor_events, SENSOR_START_EVT); //begin beacon request Semaphore_post(sensorSem); // wake the application break; } Util_clearEvent(&Sensor_events, SENSOR_KEY_TIMER_EVT);
Best Regards,