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CC1310: HW interrupt will result the whole task execution

Part Number: CC1310

dear champion,

my customer using TI Stack 15,4 and when they use the HW interrupt KEY_TIMER_EVT, it will result the whole task execution from the beginning.

where is the wrong could happen?

SDK version:

example project: sensor

CCS version:8.0.0

compiler version: TI v16.9.6.TLS

if(Sensor_events & SENSOR_KEY_TIMER_EVT)
        NV_userFlage_t  userFlage;
        uint8_t appKeyState=0;
                case KEY_STATE_LONG://the key is holding low for 3s
                DevUartWrite("Key Long\r\n", 10);
                Ssf_clearNetworkInfo();      //clear the network information
                userAtteSuccessFlag=false;   //re-certification
                Jdllc_init(&Sensor_macCallbacks, &jdllcCallbacks);  //add by the customer and the initial function
                Util_setEvent(&Sensor_events, SENSOR_START_EVT); //begin beacon request
                Semaphore_post(sensorSem);    // wake the application
        Util_clearEvent(&Sensor_events, SENSOR_KEY_TIMER_EVT);  

Best Regards,


  • Hi Emma,

    My guess here is that the exception might be happening when they call Jdllc_init since this will initialize the clocks and I am assuming they have been initialized already since Jdllc_init is called at boot of the application.

    With this information it is very difficult to really figure out what is wrong, they will have to narrow down where the issue is happening weather by using the debugger and break points or using uart prints.