I am working with 15.4 Collector and Sensor and wanted to understand how the packets are formed and sent over the air in 15.4.
Setup -
I am using Simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_3_20_00_68 SDK. Collector and Sensor with CONFIG_FH_ENABLE as false. Reporting interval is 15 seconds
I printed the len variable in the sendSensorMessage function that is being sent on the reporting interval and the output was 71 bytes. When I checked the bytes transferred over the air to the Collector in Wireshark, it showed 148 bytes, more than double of what was being sent at the reporting interval. I understand that the formation of the packet and the Protocol's overhead will add a few more bytes to the data, but does that add another 70 odd bytes?
Also, in the packet segregation in Wireshark, under TI Packet Info, I can see that the Payload length is 104 Bytes. What length is that?
Am I making some obvious mistake in understanding the observed data on Wireshark?
Can anyone help me out with the packet segregation or point out to any specific document that will provide the details on how the 15.4 packets are formed and sent?
I am attaching a screenshot for reference.