Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1350, CC2650
I'm setting up an development environment for the cc1350 and the cc2650 based on openocd and arm-none-eabi-gdb.
On the cc2650 it works, on the cc1350 launchpads I had few problems (probably unrelated to this), and during an attempt to fix it, I upgraded the xds110 firmware (to the version 3.something), but then openocd stopped working. This is the error it shown up.
Error: JTAG tap: cc13x0.jrc expected 1 of 1: 0x0b9be02f (mfg: 0x017 (Texas Instruments), part: 0xb9be, ver: 0x0)
After a while I though that probably the wrong ID was due to the xds110 firmware v3, so I tried to install an older fiwmare in the xds110 (I found it in an old instance of ccs I had installed a couple of years ago). However, after the update (I've done it using xdsdfu), the device looks bricked. I don't see any activity when I plug the usb, and the windows Device Manager don't react when I plug it.
Moreover, since I was not happy with this, I tried the same procedure on the cc2650 launchpad (that was working) with the same result, the device i no more accessible...
So, did I brick the debuggers? Can I do something to fix?
Thank you,