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CCS/LAUNCHXL-CC1352P: Sending a large array from Collector to Sensors over 15.4 without OAD

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC1352P
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I saw had worked on sending a large array (120kB) from Collector to Sensors over TI15.4. I'd like to know how that went along with a brief guideline on how you achieved it. Will you be able to help me for the project I'm working on now ?

Feel free to jump in if you have done the same. Your contribution is much appreciated.

  • Hey Tharanga,

    I would recommend sending her a friend request and a private message. If you have any specific questions regarding the implementation of this with regards to our devices/the 15.4 stack then post them here.

    For starters, I would build a framework to send a file without 15.4 first. You can send a large file over UART and test your fragmentation out there. Then, moving the same over to 15.4 should be very straightforward.

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for stepping in. Yes I sent him a friend request too. He may not have seen it.

    I actually went back to the packet Tx/Rx examples to start from the bottom-up. I guess I will have to build the network from the basics. Thanks again.

  • Tharanga,

    The problem you are asking about (correct me if I'm wrong), has nothing to do with the way the network sends its data. You're interested in how to fragment your data before sending it across an interface (whatever that interface may be).

    You're welcome to use any example you like to accomplish what you need. The packet TX/RX examples will give you more control over how you send data over the air and at what data rate (you may be able to chose a higher data rate like one in SmartRF Studio). That being said, this approach works around the initial recommendation in that you can possibly send the data without fragmenting it.. In general though, for robustness of a network, it is recommended to send smaller packets over the air.

    With the 15.4 stack, you are confined to the mac API's and the data rates available in SysConfig. The data you provide the api's is exactly what will be sent, with additional header info (usually for CRC checking and security).

    This wiki page can help familiarize yourself with how the 15.4 application forms data packets to send to a sensor/collector. Again, all of this is an application example and for your implementation perhaps unnecessary. That being said, you should review it to gain an understanding of how our examples work first: