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Hi team :
My application is use CC3220SF's GSPI to connect to sensor(BMX055), and receive sensor data.
I can receive correct sensor data till this moment.
But when I add sl_start(0,0,0) to the main thread ,received wrong sensor data(acc and gyr is correct ,mag is wrong)
Left picture is sensor data with sl_start(0,0,0),right picture is sensor data without sl_start(0,0,0).
As left picture show, this sensor data with some unnormal fluctuation.
I want to check is this problem cause by RTOS race condition? Or NWP's SPI(LSPI) will influence on GSPI's read write (Ex : share uDMA).
There shouldn't be an influence between the 2 SPI interfaces.
If I understand correctly, you don't think that the issue relates to the data sent by the BMX055, but to the data as it received by the CC3220.
Did you verify this (e.g. sniffing the SPI lines)?
Are you using a launchpad or a custom board?
Kobi thanks for your reply
I resolved this problem temporary.
I modify power manage policy from "Normal mode" to "Always on mode",then sensor data become normal.
"Always on mode" comsume much more power than "Normal mode", so I still want to use "Normal mode"
I will end this thread, and post another article to discuss why power manage policy influence sensor data
(only mag sensor data been influenced)