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I am trying to port the SimpleLink Wi-Fi SDK to Host MCU (the host is not from TI), environment running without an OS & in a single threaded mode, using the steps described in chapter 19 in swru455.
But I am stuck at defining "#define _SlSyncObj_t".
The first errors that I get are :
But the sl_SyncObj and sl_LockObj belong to a multithreaded environment, and according to Chap19 part 7 : "This step is not required if the host application is based on a non-OS environment" !
As long as i have errors i think it's necessary to define this objetcs for the host driver to run properly, even in non-OS, non-multithreaded environment.
So according to this thread, i can use the CC3100 SDK approach to handle the sync objects in noRTOS. In user.h, instead of defining all of the sl_SyncObj/sl_LockObj objects as DPL-implemented SemaphoreP/MutexP objects, i can redefine them to internal implementations, using the nonos.c/.h of the CC3100 SDK as a guide. So once i've redefined them, i got this error :
"ti\drivers\net\wifi\source\nonos.h(65):E0520020:Identifier "_SlSpawnEntryFunc_t" is undefined"
I didn't change anything in nonos.h of CC3135 SDK , the "_SlSpawnEntryFunc_t" its defined in simplelink.h and i add it to my nonos.h but it doesn't work !
How do I correctly handle this ?
Thank's for your help !
Best Regars,
Hi Edd,
I have assigned this to one of our SW experts. Please allow until Monday for a response, thanks!
It looks like it is needed. Again (as explained in your previous thread) please refer to the SempahoreP implementation (in kernel/nortos/dpl/SemaphoreP) as a reference.
It will be much easier to port with OS and it is the recommended mode even after the driver port (as most of the example are working with OS).
Okay thanks , i'll do that..
I have another issu : "E0520005:Could not open source file "xdc/std.h"
i can't find xdc/std.h in CC3135 SDK, can i add it from cc32xx SDK ?