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Dear Sirs:
We now use the current latest F/W on BBB with BP-CC3301 from : Version: Release date: 20 Dec 2023
The driver version is consistent as release patch inside the wlcore.h
Inside the document folder docs/html/CC33XX-vs-hci-commands:
We check for the VS HCI command, and found several that are not fully working:
1. HCI_EXT_ReadRandomAddressCmd
When using hcitool -i hci0 cmd 0x08 0x0005 0x66 0x55 0x44 0x33 0x22 0x40 to set the random address, and the result shows okay, but fail to read by using command.
It shows "Unknown HCI Command" and the response code in the document "HCI_EXT_ReadRandomAddressDone" is also missing.
Even when we use HCI_EXT_SetBDADDRCmd to set the addr is also not able to read through command but on hciconfig, however the address did readable from hciconfig.
2. HCI_EXT_ResetSystemCmd is only working in ChipReset but always return bleAlreadyInRequestedMode when SoftReset.
It shows success in Chip reset command.
Soft Reset:
It shows 0x11(bleAlreadyInRequestedMode) inside the response, opcode 0xFC1D which is HCI_EXT_ResetSystemCmd, and 0x041D which is HCI_EXT_ResetSystemDone event. So it is okay for the issue command.
3. HCI_EXT_SetMaxTXPowerCmd is always return bleAlreadyInRequestedMode.
When setting 20dbm:
When setting 10 dbm:
When setting 5dbm:
When setting 0dbm:
You can see the response is always 0x11 which is bleAlreadyInRequestedMode and the opcode is 0xFC2F, and 0x0401 HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerDone are all consistent as inside the document description.
And finally comes my question:
Dose TI have any plan to provide the HCI Tester tool for CC330x product? If the answer is yes, do we already have the timeline schedule?
Our expert in HCI commands is currently out of office. They will return in 2 weeks.
Dear Sirs:
By using the standard BLE LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST command, we found the test will automatically end in around 38-40 seconds.
hcitool cmd 0x08 0x1e 0x19 0x10 0x0
And after 38-40 seconds, the TEST_END EVENT will emit by CC3301 automatically, is there any way to let it continuously as what in WL18xx?
Dear Sirs:
We tested the hci common command to do a BLE RF test, the following commands are issued:
Cable loss: 10.3dB
echo "1" > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/cc33xx/ble_enable
hciconfig hci0 up
hcitool cmd 0x3f 0x1 0x0 /* set tx pwr 0 dbm */
hcitool cmd 0x3f 0x1 0x1 /* set tx pwr 5 dbm */
hcitool cmd 0x3f 0x1 0x2 /* set tx pwr 10 dbm */
hcitool cmd 0x3f 0x1 0x3 /* set tx pwr 20 dbm */
/* BLE RF Test Start */
hcitool cmd 0x08 0x1e 0x1 0x10 0x0
And during the test, no matter the tx power is set to 0dbm/5dbm/10dbm/20dbm, we all see the tx power output are around 6dbm, can you also help to verify it or please le me know how to set tx power of BLE RF test correctly?
Average:5.88 dBm
Average: 6.0dbm
Average: 5.98dbm
Thanks for reaching out, I will try to verify this tomorrow and follow up.
Sorry for the delay, I was able to get a test setup to confirm dbm change when the command is called.
The correct OPcode to change the TXPower is 0xFC01
We tested in an rf chamber where the only device transmitting was the CC3301 and we confirmed the change of TX power on the spectrum analyzer.
This was running HCITool cmd 0x3f 0x01 0x3
In regards to the LE_transmitter_test I can confirm the behavior you are seeing. I will follow up when I have more information.