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CC3135MOD: IPv6 "Up to two IP addresses"

Part Number: CC3135MOD
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3135


I am working on a product that uses a CC3135 to connect to an IPv6 network.
The CC3135 has been configured to use stateless auto configuration on the LLA and GUA.

sl_NetCfgSet(SL_NETCFG_IF, SL_NETCFG_IF_STATE, sizeof(IfBitmap), (uint8_t*) &IfBitmap);

The LLA is configuread correctly but for some reason the second address slot is wasted for the ULA.
The ULA is not routable outside of the LAN and prevents the device from communicating with the NTP server in this wireshark caputre:

The router advertisement contains two ICMPv6 options of type Prefix information.
The second entry would be the correct 2000::/3 Prefix.


I think the device just takes the first one which happens to be the ULA, causing the connection issue.

Is there a workaround for this problematic behavior?

Is this related to RX filters in any way?

  • Hi,

    Do you see application events on the learned/assigned IP address? it should be under the SL_NETAPP_EVENT_IPV6_ACQUIRED event.

    In addition, I would fetch out and record the NWP log to see what is going on in the NWP. To do that, you need to probe the logger pin with binary recording on 921600bps. Then, just attach the log and I will parse it. There are plenty explanations in this forum on how to fetch NWP logs.



  • Hi,
    Yes I see two events of type SL_NETAPP_EVENT_IPV6_ACQUIRED. One for the LLA fe80:: address and another one a bit later with the ULA fde2:8acd:...

    To take the log I will have to cut the housing open and reproduce the issue. This will take some time.

    Can you take a look at the NWP code handling the ICMPv6 options in the meantime and check if the second address slot is appropriately guarded to prevent the assignment of unroutable addresses?

    I will provide the logs soon.


  • Hi,

    Will need to look into the code and reply once I find something.
