BP-CC3351: CC3351 Vendor Specific command?

Part Number: BP-CC3351


Dear Sirs:

  For the https://www.ti.com/tool/SIMPLELINK-WIFI-TOOLBOX

We can see that inside the BLE test TX/RX tab:


There are packet mode/packet interval/packet count etc can be set to use for the certification.

For the WL18xx, there are some similar Vendor specific commands like HCI_VS_DRPb_Tester_Packet_TX_RX that can be used during certification of the BLE.

I just wonder does CC33xx have any similar HCI commands that can achieve the same goal as the above simplelink wifi toolbox screen? Because we are going to send our product for certification and we can not use the simplelink wifi toolbox during the lab but only the command line.



  • Hi ckhsu,

    We do have vendor specific commands as well for the CC33xx. You can find it in our CC33xx Linux SDK documentation. In the link below, find "Vendor Specific HCI Guide" in the table at the bottom:


  • Hi Sabeeh:

      Thank you for the response.

      I know CC33XX has Vendor Specific HCI command inside the SDK document, and I do read it for everytime the SDK released, guess I did not describe my question clear.

      My question is NOT whether CC33XX has VHCI command or not.

      My question is that how the CC33XX can transmit the data as in SimpleLink WiFi Toolbox tab that can let us used during RF cetification by using HCI commands.

      For the statistics, we can use

    HCI_EXT_GetRxStatisticsCmd or HCI_EXT_GetTxStatisticsCmd, but as we tested in eariler version for the LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST, it seems to be a continuous TX with no connection. Except for this, when in this test, there are no connection to the module what will be the Connection Handle that should be used in the command?

      What we would like to know is whether TI provide any similar test VHCI commands as HCI_VS_DRPb_Tester_Packet_TX_RX in WL18xx that can let us set the test as inside the SimpleLink WiFi Toolbox BLE TX/RX tab through HCI interface. We and our customer may not be able to use SimpleLink WiFi Toolbox to connect through XDS to the CC33XX because the board PCB have no XDS connection on it.



  • Hi ckhsu,

    I will ask a colleague to look into this for you. 

  • Hi Sabeeh:

      Do you have any result for this?

