CC2564C: BT Test Mode / DTM test mode with STM32

Part Number: CC2564C
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2564,


I'm working on project which using CC2564 + STM32F4 device, I need to adding RF test mode or BLE DTM test mode. 

following the CC256x Testing Guide, Service pack must have been loaded before the test start, How can I loading the SP data in module ?

and what I should do in STM32 firmware for the BT module test mode?

I'm newer on CC254, please advice any reference and example,


  • Hi Wing,

    The service pack is loaded in as an array in C when using the bluetopia sdk for stm devices.

    The array can be found in this default path 

    C:\ti\Connectivity\CC256X BT\CC256x STM32 Bluetopia SDK\v5.1.1.1\FreeRTOS\Bluetopia\btpsvend\CC256XC.h

    You can also load the service pack bts file using hci tester by connecting to the cc2564 uart lines directly.



  • Thanks for your reply. but there are some question. 

    1. I have replaced the .h file in my project, did I need to call any function to loading the file ? 

    2. do I need to do both loading file from mcu and loading script by HCI PC tools ? and how to confirm the service pack was loaded. 

    3. does the loading action need to do 1 time only ?

    4. since there is STM32 connected with CC2564 , do you have any reference example / demo for using HCI test tools?

  • Hi,

    1. I have replaced the .h file in my project, did I need to call any function to loading the file ? 

    In our demos the initialization function will load the service pack.

    2. do I need to do both loading file from mcu and loading script by HCI PC tools ? and how to confirm the service pack was loaded. 

    No, you only need to load it once. As long as you dont remove power from CC2564C. There is a hci command HCI_VS_Get_System_Status (0xFE1F) will tell you the version of service pack you have loaded. 

    3. does the loading action need to do 1 time only ?


    4. since there is STM32 connected with CC2564 , do you have any reference example / demo for using HCI test tools?

    Here is the hcitester guide 

