In your Driver Porting Guide you use FreeRTOS as your example. We are using another RTOS so I assume we need to modify osi_freertos.c with our own implementation.
Do you have implementation examples with a RTOS other than FreeRTOS? for instance ThreadX RTOS.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Casper,
No, we do not have examples using other RTOSs at the moment.
In theory you should create a new folder inside the platform/os directory.
Follow what we have for the freertos directory we have at the moment, basically you will need to create a new "main_..." and osi_..." files.
One more question regarding the file system - osi_filesystem. In the user guide you mention the following:
"For now the driver only uses the read function to retrieve the pre-installed firmware when downloading it as part of the cc33xx init."
Can I find some more information about this and what do you mean with "pre-installed firmware"? Is it already installed on the cc3301 before booting up the host mcu?
pre-installed firmware would be located in flash (external or internal). It should be pre-flashed (pre-installed) before booting up the application.