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CC3351: WiFi-Direct Feature Support

Part Number: CC3351


Hello All,

I plan on using CC3351ENJARSBR for one of Display project and i would like to know if the IC supports WiFi-Direct and SDK is available for the same.

  • Hi Jitun,

    The CC3351 currently does not support WiFi direct, but is planned to be added later this year. 

    Are you looking to use CC3351 in a Linux or MCU attached system?

  • The end system is not yet defined yet, we are still exploring the options of MCU,MPU or a smart module, can you tell me which ICs support wifi direct as of now so that i can start the component selection,

  • The driver (version via iw phy) reports that P2P is supported, and the supplicant then starts a p2p-dev device.

    # iw phy


    Supported interface modes:
    * managed
    * AP
    * AP/VLAN
    * monitor
    * P2P-client
    * P2P-GO
    * P2P-device

    valid interface combinations:
    * #{ managed, P2P-client } <= 2, #{ AP, P2P-GO } <= 1, #{ P2P-device } <= 1,
    total <= 3, #channels <= 2

    # iw dev
          Unnamed/non-netdev interface
          wdev 0x2
          addr a6:34:f1:b3:23:d4
          type P2P-device
     Interface wlan0
          ifindex 5
          wdev 0x1
          addr a4:34:f1:b3:23:d4
          type managed

    Is this not valid?

  • Hi Jitun, 

    You can find support for WiFi Direct/P2P in our WL18xxMOD series of devices within linux context: 

    But again, it is planned to be supported on the newer CC33xx series. 

  • Hi Dean,

    This is correct. The feature exists in the linux driver, but it is not yet implemented in the firmware. Your mileage may vary.