I'm considering using a CC3000 in a low power project and was hoping for some information on the average current the CC3000 when transmitting a data sample, This would involve:
- wake from sleep
- connect to ap
- setup TCP connection
- transmit payload ~50 bytes
- close TCP connection
- sleep
This is, I assume, a fairly typical scenario.
I was consulting the data sheet and seen the typical and max currents but was more interested in the times the CC3000 would be in each of them modes to calculate the average current required to transmit one sample.
i.e. does anyone have any estimates on how long would it take in the above example to go from step 1 to 6?
Presumably the TX current would only be observed very briefly, but RX current would be observed from startup until TCP session is closed, so the average current wouldn't be that much higher than the typical/max RX current?
I also expect that a UDP connection would reduce the active time by a considerable amount?