I have been referring to the httpserver code, wherein i have been able create my own webpage for setting the IP address, gateway etc.
I have used user-defined tokens and successfully received data in my code.
My problem is that i am unable to save this data in a file on the Serial Flash.
I want to save the data in a .txt file, but the command lRetVal = sl_FsOpen((unsigned char *)USER_FILE_NAME, FS_MODE_OPEN_CREATE(65536, \ _FS_FILE_OPEN_FLAG_COMMIT|_FS_FILE_PUBLIC_WRITE), ulToken, lFileHandle); does not execute completely, and does not return lRetVal.
I did refer to the file_operations code, and performed these open-write-read operations using sl_FsOpen, sl_FsWrite, sl_FsRead, sl_FsClose etc successfully.
But, i am unable to do the same in httpserver code when device is in AP mode.
Please shed some light on this.
P.S: #define USER_FILE_NAME "fs_demo.txt"