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I am trying to configure the UART DMA for receiving data.
I referred the uart_dma code from sdk, but that code is only for DMATX and DMARX interrupts. So in that code, only DMA is going to trigger the handler. Hence, it doesn't check the DMA transfer complete flags on the handler.
But i want to get the DMA for receive while the Tx interrupt to transmit data.
I have configured the DMA receive as well as the Tx interrupt.
But my problem is, how to detect which interrupt has triggered my handler.
I tried to check the status of UART_INT_DMARX on the handler, but that didn't helped.
How should i detect the whether my DMA receive is completed or not??
Thank you in advance.
Hi Aashish,
Thank you very much for replying.
Actually the DMARX is defined as:-
#define UART_INT_DMARX 0x10000 // DMA Rx Done interrupt Mask
Can you please share some code for initializing DMARX and UART_TX interrupts and detecting them on the Interrupt_Handler ??
Thanks and regards,
Let me explain you the problem that i faced.
I was advised to refer the uart_dma example from the sdk.
In this example, the code initializes the DMA and waits for the bRxDone flag to be true (polling!!).
This bRxDone flag is set to true on the UARTIntHandler().
Here, the DMA receive complete flag is not checked, rather the checking is based in the bRxDone flag.
Now, i had designed a system which continuously sends and receives data. I wanted to set both receive and transmit operations on DMA, which i was unable to do. My problem is, i am not able to differentiate between the DMA_TX, DMA_RX and Receive TImeout interrupt once any of these interrupts occur.
So, to get my system going, i implemented the Tx and Rx interrupts and sent/received data byte-by-byte as:-
gul32_TxInt_Type = MAP_UARTTxIntModeGet(CONSOLE);
gul32_Int_Type = MAP_UARTIntStatus(CONSOLE, true);
if((gul32_Int_Type & UART_INT_RX) && MAP_UARTCharsAvail(CONSOLE))
//Received data here in temporary buffer
Temp_Received_Data[rpointer++] = (unsigned char)MAP_UARTCharGetNonBlocking(CONSOLE);
if(gul32_TxInt_Type & UART_TXINT_MODE_EOT)
MAP_UARTCharPut/*NonBlocking*/(CONSOLE, Data_From_Temp_Buffer[wpointer++]);
Hi Abhishek,
I did a few modifications to "uart_dma" example and I could see the UART_INT_DMARX & UART_INT_DMATX status is getting reflected properly
Code Snippet
static void UARTIntHandler() { unsigned long ulIntStatus; /* Interrupt status */ ulIntStatus = MAP_UARTIntStatus(UARTA0_BASE,false); /* Check if RX DMA is complete */ if(ulIntStatus & UART_INT_DMARX ) { /* Print message */ Message("Rx DMA Done\r\n"); /* Disable UART RX DMA */ MAP_UARTDMADisable(UARTA0_BASE,UART_DMA_RX); } /* Check if TX DMA is complete */ if(ulIntStatus & UART_INT_DMATX ) { /* Print message */ Message("Tx DMA Done\r\n"); /* Disable UART TX DMA */ MAP_UARTDMADisable(UARTA0_BASE,UART_DMA_TX); } /* Clear the UART Interrupt */ MAP_UARTIntClear(UARTA0_BASE,ulIntStatus); }
And a few modifications in main...
Message("Type in 8 characters\r\n"); // // Configure the UART Tx and Rx FIFO level to 1/8 i.e 2 characters // UARTFIFOLevelSet(UARTA0_BASE,UART_FIFO_TX1_8,UART_FIFO_RX1_8); // // Setup DMA transfer for UART A0 // UDMASetupTransfer(UDMA_CH8_UARTA0_RX, UDMA_MODE_BASIC, 8, UDMA_SIZE_8, UDMA_ARB_2, (void *)(UARTA0_BASE+UART_O_DR), UDMA_SRC_INC_NONE, (void *)ucTextBuff, UDMA_DST_INC_8); // // Setup DMA transfer for UART A0 // UDMASetupTransfer(UDMA_CH9_UARTA0_TX, UDMA_MODE_BASIC, sizeof(ucTextBuff_tx), UDMA_SIZE_8, UDMA_ARB_2, (void *)ucTextBuff_tx, UDMA_SRC_INC_8, (void *)(UARTA0_BASE+UART_O_DR), UDMA_DST_INC_NONE); // // Enable Rx DMA request from UART // MAP_UARTDMAEnable(UARTA0_BASE,UART_DMA_RX|UART_DMA_TX);
Thanks and Regards,