Hello TI E2E Community,
I have a problem with the communication between my CC3200 Launchpad (Rev. 4.1) and an external Image Sensor (OV7725).
CC3200 supports I2C connection, and OV7725 uses SCCB interface. However, i slightly adapted the READ and WRITE functions provided in the I2C-Demo Application to get this working.
My connections are:
VCC - for power on OV7725
GND - for ground OV7725
P02 - for pXCLK with 24MHz
TDO - for I2C SDA
TDI - for I2C SCL
Further, i connected P17 with SDA and P16 with SCL on the board to use the on-board Pull-up's.
Jumper Connections are J8, J9, J12, J13, J17 and J6, J7 (BP position). All these Jumpers are mounted.
Target configuration is in SWD mode, corresponding to J17.
Im observing I2C communication with a Logic Analyzer from Logicport on Pin TDI and TDO.
My problem is that i cannot send an I2C read or write properly. Clock does not look nice in logic analyzer. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
Is there anything i forgot or i have to be aware in addition?
Thanks in advance,