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I have been trying to connect to an AP using the CC3200 examples to no avail (using the connection policies project enclosed in examples) so i decided to go for smaller tasks like getting the MAC address information of my board.. but for some reason, but the previous example project and my own code to get the macAddress always end up in an endless loop:
When the code reaches this function within the sl_NetCfgGet(): VERIFY_RET_OK(_SlDrvCmdOp((_SlCmdCtrl_t *)&_SlNetCfgGetCmdCtrl, &Msg, &CmdExt));
it goes into an endless loop from which it never comes out...
Is there any explanation to this? I am really new to this all
As a follow-up: this call needs sl_Start() before you can call it. The following code is working for me:
char deviceId[] = "000000000000";
unsigned char macAddressVal[SL_MAC_ADDR_LEN];
unsigned char macAddressLen = SL_MAC_ADDR_LEN;
sl_NetCfgGet(SL_MAC_ADDRESS_GET,NULL,&macAddressLen,(unsigned char *)macAddressVal);
sprintf(deviceId, "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", macAddressVal[0], macAddressVal[1], macAddressVal[2], macAddressVal[3], macAddressVal[4], macAddressVal[5]);