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CC3200 I2C Arbitration lost

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200

Dear TI engineers: 

I connected CC3200 with MPU6050 with I2C. MPU6050 is attached with another slave device ak8975. ak8975 could be selected as slave by enable the bypass register in MPU6050. 

The problem i encountered is that: 

i once successfully connect to MPU6050, as shown in the following graph: (MPU6050 slave address is 0x68, WHO_AM_I register address is 0x75

However,  later, i dont know what i had done, the communication didnt work anymore. And the error type is I2C_MASTER_ERR_ARB_LOST. the wrong communication is shown below: 

there are 2 things i could remember that i did might cause this problem:

1. i tried change the PIN mode configuration from PIN_MODE_5 to PIN_MODE_1, because in the "i2c demo" it used PIN_MODE_1 instead of PIN_MODE_5 which is generated by pinmux tool.

// Configure PIN_03 for I2C0 I2C_SCL
PinTypeI2C(PIN_03, PIN_MODE_5);
// Configure PIN_04 for I2C0 I2C_SDA
PinTypeI2C(PIN_04, PIN_MODE_5);

After i realized that PIN_MODE_1 doesnt work, i changed it back to PIN_MODE_5 immediately. 

2. i tried connect the AK8975 by enable the bypass of MPU6050. 

I really could not find the cause of problem and solution to it. how does problem related to arbitration lost?? 

Following are my initialization codes:

void MPU6050_I2C_Init(void){

// Configure PIN_03 for I2C0 I2C_SCL
PinTypeI2C(PIN_03, PIN_MODE_5);
// Configure PIN_04 for I2C0 I2C_SDA
PinTypeI2C(PIN_04, PIN_MODE_5);

MAP_I2CMasterInitExpClk(I2CA0_BASE,SYS_CLK,false); // set up the transfer to standard mode



  • Dear TI engineers: 

    I connected CC3200 with MPU6050 with I2C. MPU6050 is attached with another slave device ak8975. ak8975 could be selected as slave by enable the bypass register in MPU6050. 

    The problem i encountered is that: 

    i once successfully connect to MPU6050, as shown in the following graph: (MPU6050 slave address is 0x68, WHO_AM_I register address is 0x75

    However,  later, i dont know what i had done, the communication didnt work anymore. And the error type is I2C_MASTER_ERR_ARB_LOST. the wrong communication is shown below: 

    there are 2 things i could remember that i did might cause this problem:

    1. i tried change the PIN mode configuration from PIN_MODE_5 to PIN_MODE_1, because in the "i2c demo" it used PIN_MODE_1 instead of PIN_MODE_5 which is generated by pinmux tool.

    // Configure PIN_03 for I2C0 I2C_SCL
    PinTypeI2C(PIN_03, PIN_MODE_5);
    // Configure PIN_04 for I2C0 I2C_SDA
    PinTypeI2C(PIN_04, PIN_MODE_5);

    After i realized that PIN_MODE_1 doesnt work, i changed it back to PIN_MODE_5 immediately. 

    2. i tried connect the AK8975 by enable the bypass of MPU6050. 

    I really could not find the cause of problem and solution to it. how does problem related to arbitration lost?? 

    Following are my initialization codes:

    void MPU6050_I2C_Init(void){

    // Configure PIN_03 for I2C0 I2C_SCL
    PinTypeI2C(PIN_03, PIN_MODE_5);
    // Configure PIN_04 for I2C0 I2C_SDA
    PinTypeI2C(PIN_04, PIN_MODE_5);

    MAP_PRCMPeripheralClkEnable(PRCM_I2CA0, PRCM_RUN_MODE_CLK);
    MAP_I2CMasterInitExpClk(I2CA0_BASE,SYS_CLK,false); // set up the transfer to standard mode


  • Hi,

    I can share my knowledge about I2C_MASTER_ERR_ARB_LOST error with mater I2C module. I think this is not your case, but maybe it can be helpful.

    Mainly I see this error while slave device is waiting for SCL clock which will not come. Most common reason for this behaviour is that I stopped debugging during I2C communication and from this reasons slave device not receive stop condition. Solution is simple. Switch pinumx to GPIO and generate pulse at SCL.


  • Jian, I'll check and get back on this.

  • Jain,

    By default, I2C in muxed onto pin 01 and 02. Since this allocation is not used in your application, we recommend that these pins are configured to GPIO (or any other functional mode) before configuring the I2C controller.



  • Jain, Did you get a chance to check the issue w/ above changes?

  • Hi Praneet,

    I think your solution will not work. In my case works well as I wrote at my first post. It is required generate pulse at SCL line.

    example of my init code of I2C:

    int i;

    // switch pinmux to GPIO
    MAP_PinTypeGPIO(pin->pinSCL, PIN_MODE_0, false);
    MAP_GPIODirModeSet(pin->portSCL, pin->maskSCL, GPIO_DIR_MODE_OUT);
    // generate pulse at GPIO (SCL line)
    MAP_GPIOPinWrite(pin->portSCL, pin->maskSCL, 0xFF);
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    MAP_GPIOPinWrite(pin->portSCL, pin->maskSCL, 0x00);
    MAP_GPIOPinWrite(pin->portSCL, pin->maskSCL, 0xFF);

    // enable I2C clock
    MAP_PRCMPeripheralClkEnable(PRCM_I2CA0, PRCM_RUN_MODE_CLK);
    // switch MUX to SCL and SDA
    MAP_PinTypeI2C(pin->pinSCL, PIN_MODE_1);
    MAP_PinTypeI2C(pin->pinSDA, PIN_MODE_1);
    // reset

    // set 400kHz
    MAP_I2CMasterInitExpClk(I2CA0_BASE, 80000000, true);

    // set irq handler
    osi_InterruptRegister(INT_I2CA0, I2CIntHandler, INT_PRIORITY_LVL_2);
    MAP_I2CMasterIntClearEx(I2CA0_BASE, 0xFFF);
    // set iqr sources
    // enable I2C


  • Any updates or resolution to this issue?  

    Interestingly, we are communicating between the CC3200 (muxed to default pins 1 and 2) and the ST Micro M41T62 which happens to have the same address (0xD0).  Also interesting, the CC3200 is getting into a state where it incorrectly transmits 0xDF, exactly as in the scope trace in the original post.

    Our I2C code works OK the first time the CC3200 is programmed, however after debugging/reprogramming several times I2C communication breaks on some units...  Cycling power and reprogramming the part does not seem to help.


  • Hi Dave,

    Can you better describe conditions when your issue occurs.

    In my previous posts I speak about issue with return code I2C_MASTER_ERR_ARB_LOST. This error occurs when I2C slave stuck in incorrect state due to missing SCL pulse. I2C peripheral in CC3200 detects this state and error I2C_MASTER_ERR_ARB_LOST is returned. In this case is a solution switch PIN to GPIO, generate pulse on this pin and switch back to I2C.

  • Hi Jan,

    We are getting the same error: I2C_MASTER_ERR_ARB_LOST.

    Strangely, this occurs when no slave device exists on the bus (we removed the slave peripheral to test whether it was pulling SDA low incorrectly).  Here is a trace of the I2C message with probes directly on CC3200 output pins, no slave, only 2k pullups connected.  Firmware is programmed to transmit 0x53, however we see 0xDF incorrectly (as with the original post):

    I do not see how arbitration can be lost with only the CC3200 on the bus, unless it is an internal pin-mux issue.  We are using default pin1 and pin2 however, so I wouldn't think initializing pin3 and pin4 after I2C initialization should matter...

    This is our initialization code, generated by the TI pinmux utility:

    void PinMuxConfig(void)
        // Enable Peripheral Clocks
        MAP_PRCMPeripheralClkEnable(PRCM_ADC, PRCM_RUN_MODE_CLK);
        MAP_PRCMPeripheralClkEnable(PRCM_GSPI, PRCM_RUN_MODE_CLK);
        MAP_PRCMPeripheralClkEnable(PRCM_I2CA0, PRCM_RUN_MODE_CLK);
        MAP_PRCMPeripheralClkEnable(PRCM_GPIOA0, PRCM_RUN_MODE_CLK);
        MAP_PRCMPeripheralClkEnable(PRCM_GPIOA1, PRCM_RUN_MODE_CLK);
        MAP_PRCMPeripheralClkEnable(PRCM_GPIOA2, PRCM_RUN_MODE_CLK);
        MAP_PRCMPeripheralClkEnable(PRCM_GPIOA3, PRCM_RUN_MODE_CLK);

        // Configure PIN_05 for SPI0 GSPI_CLK
        MAP_PinTypeSPI(PIN_05, PIN_MODE_7);

        // Configure PIN_06 for SPI0 GSPI_MISO
        MAP_PinTypeSPI(PIN_06, PIN_MODE_7);

        // Configure PIN_07 for SPI0 GSPI_MOSI
        MAP_PinTypeSPI(PIN_07, PIN_MODE_7);

        // Configure PIN_01 for I2C0 I2C_SCL
        MAP_PinTypeI2C(PIN_01, PIN_MODE_1);

        // Configure PIN_02 for I2C0 I2C_SDA
        MAP_PinTypeI2C(PIN_02, PIN_MODE_1);

        // Configure PIN_03 for GPIO Input
        MAP_PinTypeGPIO(PIN_03, PIN_MODE_0, false);
        MAP_GPIODirModeSet(GPIOA1_BASE, 0x10, GPIO_DIR_MODE_IN);

        // Configure PIN_04 for GPIO Input
        MAP_PinTypeGPIO(PIN_04, PIN_MODE_0, false);
        MAP_GPIODirModeSet(GPIOA1_BASE, 0x20, GPIO_DIR_MODE_IN);

  • Hi Dave,

    When you send to I2C controller data byte 0x53 and voltage levels on SDA are different, then error code I2C_MASTER_ERR_ARB_LOST is exact what you will see. Your pinmux code looks OK. Your issue sounds me like a hardware issue. I suppose that you are using your own hardware with CC3200 QFN, right? Can you check your code with disconnected I2C devices on CC3200 LaunchPad?
    - disconnects temp sensor and accelerometer on LaunchPad by removing jumpers J2 and J3
    - connect your own 2k pull ups to SDA, SCL (P1.9, P1.10)
    - check your code again by oscilloscope (pin1 and pin2 are also connected to 100k pull-down resistors, your voltage levels on I2C will be slightly lower)

    BTW ... when you want switch I2C to pins3 and 4 you need add to end of your pinmux this code:
