I worked on the LaunchpadXL evaluation board, and now I am making a custom board based on the CC3200MODR1M2AMOB module and I am not completely sure on how to program it.
I have done my schematics based on the docment "CC3200MOD SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi®and Internet-of-Things Module Solution, a Single-Chip Wireless MCU" part 6.1 (page 51).
I have included two headers in the schematic in order to connect JTAG & Flash Programming pins.
I have 3 questions :
1. How to flash the Flash memory?
I am wondering if I must have a specific programer to be connected to the 4 wires Flash Programming header
OR if I can use the pins available on the LaunchpadXL after removing the appropriate jumpers, so I can flash it
through the USB port using Uniflash ?
2. How to Debug my code through the JTAG interface ?
Do I need a specific programer (like Atmel JTAG-ICE) to download the code from the IDE (Code Composer Studio) to the CC3200 module
OR can I use the JTAG pins on the launchpadXL after removing the appropriate jumpers, so I can here again use the USB and the
JTAG emulator on the LaunchpadXL ?
3. How do I need to wire pins 46 & 47 to use UART1 for an external device ?
pins 46 & 47 are directly wired to the Flash Programming header and I am not sure on how to connect a device to use thoose lines