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Set custom BT mac address for WL18xx


    I'm trying to set MAC address for Bluetooth in WL18xx.  Could someone help with these questions?

a) What is the exact command sequence to set MAC for bluetooth?

b) Is BT mac address is already fused when WL18xx gets shipped? 


  • Hi,

    I tried to change BD_ADDR of WL18xx (new MAC: ) with this sequence but no success. Could you help?

    Linux commands:
    hcitool cmd 0xgf 0xcf params
    hcitool cmd 0x01 0xFC 0x06 0xaa 0xbb 0xcc 0xdd 0xee 0xff
    hciconfig reset

  • Hiep,

    The "hciconfig reset" command resets the WL18xx Bluetooth. This will revert the BD_ADDR of the chip to the default address burnt in the devices ROM.

    If you want to change the BD_ADDR, do the following every time the device is initialized after a power cycle or reset.

    example : changing the BD_ADDR to "01:23:45:67:89:AB" 

    1. Before changing the BD_ADDR, read the default address.

    hcitool cmd 0x04 0x0009 

    2. Send VS_Write_BD_ADDR (0xFC06) command. (Note that the ogf and ocf for this command are 0x3f and 0x0006 repectively. Reference for opcode and ocf, ogf)

    hcitool cmd 0x3f 0x0006 0x01 0x23 0x45 0x67 0x89 0xab 

    3. Read the new BD_ADDR using the HCI_Read_BD_ADDR (0x1009) command.

    hcitool cmd 0x04 0x0009 

    Best regards,


  • Hi Vihang, your commands worked! Thanks a lot. However, I notice that if I just sent "hcitool cmd 0x3f 0x0006 0x01 0x23 0x45 0x67 0x89 0xab" then "hciconfig -a", the BD_ADDR doesn't change.

    Update to BD_ADDR only changes after I send HCI_Read_BD_ADDR (0x1009) command. Could you explain why?