I have a custom WL1873 Module and am following WL18xx Hardware integration Guide to bring up Bluetooth on this module. By following section 4.2 (setting Vbar, VIO, SCLK, BT EN), powering up of this module is successful based on the current draw from power supply, but I could not make UART HCI port work.
My first trial utilizes a Windows PC, 3.3V UART-to-USB converter, a bi-direction level shifter (TI TXS0108E), and TI wireless tool (glogger or logger). But could not get anything back from glogger. Any comments?
On Linux PC and with the same hardware setup, I tried the following command:
hciattach /dev/ttyUSB0 texas 115200
and got a timeout error. I read Bluetooth stack needs a BTS file to initialize. Can anyone point me to the right direction?