Initially, I was working on the mqtt_client example and I have managed to customise it the way I want. Currently, I am attempting to combine the CC3200 smartplug code from (http://www.ti.com/tool/TIDC-CC3200SMARTPLUG with the mqtt_client but I am facing some compiling issues.
The complier is generating these errors and I'm not quite sure how to go about it.
Description | Resource | Location |
#20 identifier "size_t" is undefined | .ccsproject | Line xxx, external location: C:\ti\CC3200SDK_1.1.0\cc3200-sdk\osilib\osi.h |
#20 identifier "tBoolean" is undefined | .ccsproject | Line xxx, external location: C:\ti\CC3200SDK_1.1.0\cc3200-sdk\driverlib\uart.h |
When i clicked on the error, it opens up the osi.h and uart.h window and displayed the following.
ln 490: void mem_set(void *pBuf,int Val,size_t Size);
ln 510: void mem_copy(void *pDst, void *pSrc,size_t Size);
ln 195: extern tBoolean UARTCharsAvail(unsigned long ulBase);
ln 196: extern tBoolean UARTSpaceAvail(unsigned long ulBase);
ln 199: extern tBoolean UARTCharPutNonBlocking(unsigned long ulBase,
unsigned char ucData);
ln 202: extern void UARTBreakCtl(unsigned long ulBase, tBoolean bBreakState);
ln 203: extern tBoolean UARTBusy(unsigned long ulBase);
ln 208: extern unsigned long UARTIntStatus(unsigned long ulBase, tBoolean bMasked);
I have ensure that the header files are specified in the complier include path options: (under Project Properties->Build->Compiler->Include Options).
I have also included the following in my main.c but the problem still persist.
#include "osi.h"
#include "uart.h"
Please advice. thanks