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error #20 identifier " " is undefined

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200SDK


Initially, I was working on the mqtt_client example and I have managed to customise it the way I want. Currently, I am attempting to combine the CC3200 smartplug code from ( with the mqtt_client but I am facing some compiling issues. 

The complier is generating these errors and I'm not quite sure how to go about it.

Description Resource Location
#20 identifier "size_t" is undefined .ccsproject Line xxx, external location: C:\ti\CC3200SDK_1.1.0\cc3200-sdk\osilib\osi.h
#20 identifier "tBoolean" is undefined .ccsproject Line xxx, external location: C:\ti\CC3200SDK_1.1.0\cc3200-sdk\driverlib\uart.h

When i clicked on the error, it opens up the osi.h and uart.h window and displayed the following.

ln 490: void mem_set(void *pBuf,int Val,size_t Size);

ln 510: void  mem_copy(void *pDst, void *pSrc,size_t Size);

ln 195: extern tBoolean UARTCharsAvail(unsigned long ulBase);

ln 196: extern tBoolean UARTSpaceAvail(unsigned long ulBase);

ln 199: extern tBoolean UARTCharPutNonBlocking(unsigned long ulBase,
                                       unsigned char ucData);

ln 202: extern void UARTBreakCtl(unsigned long ulBase, tBoolean bBreakState);

ln 203: extern tBoolean UARTBusy(unsigned long ulBase);

ln 208: extern unsigned long UARTIntStatus(unsigned long ulBase, tBoolean bMasked);

I have ensure that the header files are specified in the complier include path options: (under Project Properties->Build->Compiler->Include Options).



I have also included the following in my main.c but the problem still persist.

#include "osi.h"

#include "uart.h"

Please advice. thanks

  • Hi,

    Maybe this can help -

    BTW ... I think it should be better use latest SDK (1.2.0).

  • Thank you Jan, it helped and I managed to resolve this issue.I am using the boards with pre-production silicon version 3.2. I will change it to SDK 1.2.0 when i use the newer boards.


    There is actually another small issue that comes with this and i could not figure out too.

    The complier generates a similar type of error (slightly different):

    Description Resource Location

    #20 Identifier "t_Metrology.h" is undefined  

    smartplug_task.h ln 231
    #20 Identifier "t_Metrology.h" is undefined smartplug_task.h ln 249
    #20 Identifier "t_SmartPlugMetrologyComm" is undefined smartplug_task.h ln 250

    These are the 2 typedef struct in smartplug_task.h

    typedef volatile struct t_SmartPlugNvmmBuffer
      t_config            DeviceConfigData;
      exosite_meta        ExositeMetaData;
      t_MetrologyConfig   MetrologyConfigData;
      UINT32              NvmmFileUpdated;

    } t_SmartPlugNvmmFile;

    typedef struct t_SmartPlugSendData
      t_config                     DeviceConfigData;
      t_exosite_meta_send         ExositeMetaData;
      t_MetrologyConfig           MetrologyConfigData;
      t_SmartPlugMetrologyComm    SmartPlugMetrologyData;

      /* Data sender indication */
      UINT32                      DataSender;
      UINT32                      TimeStamp;

    } t_SmartPlugSendData;

    t_MetrologyConfig and t_SmartPlugMetrologyComm are actually declared as a typedef struct in another header file (metrology.h)

    My question is, how can it be undefined when i include "metrology.h" and "smartplug_task.h" in my source files? Is there a way to resolve this error?


  • Hi,

    OK, if you have pre-production silicon, SDK version 1.1.0 makes sense. Sorry, I have no experience with Smartplug code. I am not able help you with that. Please open new thread with your question.

  • Thank you Jan, will do
