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CCS: how to encode data to json format except for the Cjson.c/Cjson.h tools.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

hi :

i am searching a tools to encode the data to json format ?  jsmn is a good tool to parse the json .

but that is not enough .i want to encode data to json format .

  char line[130] = {0};

  char now[20] = {0};  

 cJSON *data=NULL;  

 root = cJSON_CreateObject();

  cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root, "error", 200);

//  cJSON_AddStringToObject(root, "error", "200");

  cJSON_AddItemToObject(root,"data",data = cJSON_CreateObject());

  get_zone_time_now(now);   cJSON_AddStringToObject(data,"now", now);

  get_zone_time_inline(line);   cJSON_AddStringToObject(data,"inline", line);  

 cJSON_AddStringToObject(root,"from","device");   sent_zone_time_flag = SentZoneTimeOK;

  msg.event = MQTT_SEND_APP_MESSAGE;

  goto cmd_exit;

 it is ok when you encode a string type to json format .but if you want to encode a number type to json ,that will be awalys zero .it is OK when you use ATMEL1284P ,

 but in the CC3200 ,the error will show .

is there any orther tool like this to encode json data ,some suggestion will be helpful.
