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I have CC3120boost + CC33xxEMUBOOST and I'm trying to use any example from SimpleLinkStudio.
I flashed the service pack from simplelink_studio_cc31xx_sdk_1_00_00_05/tools/cc31xx_tools/servicepack-cc3x20/sp_3.2.0.0_2.0.0.0_2.2.0.4.bin
I'm trying to use get_wheather example visual studio project from examples.
The board is connected to an Windows 7 machine (all drivers installed, I can see all 4 COM ports) via J6.
The output of the program is:
***************************************************************** CC3100 Get weather App 1.2.0 ***************************************************************** Global lock is going to be deleated so wait (busyloop) for blocking threads to be released ----------------------------------------------------------> _globalLockMutexCounter = 0x0 ****************************************************************** In osi_LockObjDelete(). All threads released. Closing Handle() ****************************************************************** Error Code -2000 Failed to configure the device in its default state, Error code: -2000
It doesn't work configured with SPI, nor UART (SL_IF_TYPE_UART).
When sl_Start function is called, the return value is 1 (ROLE_UNKNOWN) each time is called from configureSimpleLinkToDefaultState
Any hint/tip/help is highly appreciated.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for replying. The link you provided solves PC as host MCU.
I still have a problem with TI documentation :) I was reading swru467.pdf and the link to CC3120 SDK link is broken. Searching for it I found this:
I still have a problem using a 3rd party MCU: which ti/drivers/net/wifi/* files do I have to use? Because each SLStudio / * SDK has a different sources.