Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH
After this steps
Open Uniflash, make new target configuration with CC3X Serial(UART) Interface.
File->Open Configuration and browse to the “C:\ti\CC3200SDK_1.3.0\cc3200-sdk\example\out_of_box\html\out_of_box.ucf”
It will Open all the required Files under the user file section.
Operation->Program , It will program All the Binary, Web pages etc. to the CC3200 LP.
Close Uniflash ,Remove the Power ,Remove SOP2 Jumper ,Place VCC P58 Jumper, Power up the Board.
Most Probably RED_LED will blink 3 times
Cant see the AP to access "mysimplelink"
And the serial port display this
Any ideas of the problem?