Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDEP-0083, CC3220SF, UNIFLASH
Hi TI Experts,
Now we are trying to do the demonstration of TIDEP-0083. But I had some error when run the demonstration.Would you please teach me the following questions?
I could not find the "geotrustglobalca.der" at "\c55_csl_3.08\demos\voice_ui_cloud\cc3220\IBM_Voice_UI_Demo_CC3220SF_LAUNCHXL". Would you please provide it?
I copied it from web site as below, but I am not sure this is correct file.
Root 1 - Equifax Secure Certificate Authority
I had the following error on console. Would you please provide the advice to resolve it?
Ready to perform network task
Buffer full! Sending audio data
SL_SOCKET_ASYNC_EVENT socket event 2, do restart
Connection to server failed. error(-102)
Error [-2011] at line [833] in function [ConnectToHTTPServer]
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards.