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Well am in middle of testing the whole pan id conflict detection and resolution functionality , as per the documentation (Z-Stack Developer's Guide ) it says that if a node detects a beacon the process is initiated. Well in my test setup i want to have two coordinator both on the programmed for the same channel no and panid and aslo both have the NWK_MANAGER flag compiled .
Both coordinators are started at the same time , this is what happens, one coordinator forms the network on the panid and sends a becon which is received by the other coordinator on which i get the following frames thats seen on the sniffer.
Both the panid were set to 0x1234 although the last frame was destined to 0x1235 what does that mean and did either of the coordinator change its panid?
P.S sorry about the image been abt the text :)
Hi Bosco,
Once two ZCs are in the range of each other, the first one to form a network with 0x1234
panID "wins". The second ZC will try to form its own network with panID=0x1234, however,
it will be notified that this panID is already taken, thus the second ZC will increase the panID
for its new network by one and will try to form this network.
Hi Igor,
Thats exactly whats happening i guess , although as a application point of view how will i come to know that the panid has changed?Do i have to read the panid from the NIB when theres a ZDO State Change event each time a network is formed?
I think its not the same procedure followed as what happens when a router or endevice reports a pan id conflict to the Network Manager, in which the network manager selects a random pan id. Because in this case I'd know when theres a pan id change locally and also OTA at the router side hence i can set an application event.
Am having some trouble testing the panid conflict feature, i have a doubt pertaining to the network manager. If suppose i have two networks (1 coordinator(nwkmanager) 1router pair each) both on the same channel and same panid. Both networks are setup individually then when i introduce one network when the other network is already runing what happens is that both the coordinator(nwkmanager) change their panid successfully although only one of the router changes its panid to the new panid of one of the coordinator.
My question is why does both coordinator(nwkmanager) respond to the panid conflict network report command also the Zstack Developers guide says any device that detects the panid conflict reports to the nwkmanger but in this case there are two nwkmanagers i guess thats the reason why both coordinators respond to the report and change their pan ids. So does that mean there can be just one nwkmanager in all networks ?