I'm having a strange behaviour on our OTA server and I'm not finding the reason for it to happen.
Sometimes when I try to send an Image Block Response with the function "zclOTA_ProcessFileReadRsp" nothing is send to the air.
After a bit of debugging I found out the problem is in the function "APSDE_DataReq" (inside "AF_DataRequest") returns "ZMemError". What are the situations when this function return "ZMemError"?
I noticed it happens if the end device changes parents 2 or 3 times in a short time (smalled than the child aging interval) even though I'm still able to comunicate with the device for the remaining messages.
I also checked if there was an heap overflow, but when it happens only 1300 bytes are being used and the heap size is 3072 bytes.
Did this happen to anyone in the past?