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Here is a similar E2E post that can provide you with some insight: https://e2e.ti.com/support/wireless-connectivity/zigbee-and-thread/f/158/t/702562
I was using a payload of 64bytes now I'm using 32, too. This can reduce the failure of OTA upgrade.
But I want to know the reason for the problem. Because I don't know what happens when I send a command with more hops.
In the previous thread, MSantos did not provide debug results. Can you please debug zclOTA_SendImageBlockRsp and determine the function that produces the ZMemError through the Call Stack?
What value is the msgLen for this packet? Can you identify the specific function call which returns this error inside of Z-Stack for sake of clarity? Also, please consider increasing the NWK_MAX_DATABUFS in nwk_globals.c and monitor the heap with OSALMEM_METRICS.
1. "MsgLen" is 78.
2. It is an error returned by APSDE_DataReq() in the "AF_DataRequest()" function.
3. My "NWK_MAX_DATABUFS" parameter settings:
#define NWK_MAX_DATABUFS_WAITING 16 // Waiting to be sent to MAC
#define NWK_MAX_DATABUFS_SCHEDULED 10 // Timed messages to be sent
#define NWK_MAX_DATABUFS_CONFIRMED 10 // Held after MAC confirms
#define NWK_MAX_DATABUFS_TOTAL 24 // Total number of buffers
4. I monitored the memory situation at that time, and only about 40% of the memory was used.
If msgLen = cmdFormatLen then the ZCL header size would be zero which shouldn't be the case. As this issue exists on the legacy stack which is not receiving further updates, further resources will not be spent to investigate this issue at the stack level. Your options are to slow down the image block response rate or decrease the packet length.
You can try a 64-byte multi-hop OTA upgrade on the latest 3.1 stack to see if this will happen.
I was able to successfully implement the 64-byte multi-hop OTA upgrade on SIMPLELINK-CC13X2-26X2-SDK v3.20 using Z-Stack v3.4.0 without any ZMemError failure. You can compare the OTA project files to see if there are any differences worth implementing on your application.
Yes. If you find differing results while evaluating the SimpleLink SDK solution then please let me know what changes were required to recreate the issue.