Other Parts Discussed in Thread: Z-STACK
I am going through the sample projects and noticed that although API exists to change transmit power, changed transmit power is not saved into NVS. The default value set in syscfg is loaded after a power cycle. I believe we can add a customized NV item and call the API to change it upon system startup.
zstack_sysSetTxPowerReq_t txPowerReq; zstack_sysSetTxPowerRsp_t txPowerRsp; txPowerReq.requestedTxPower = POWER_TEST_TX_PWR; Zstackapi_sysSetTxPowerReq(appServiceTaskId, &txPowerReq, &txPowerRsp);
My question is: is there any special consideration that transmit power is handled separately from other system configurations such as panID etc.? Are we as users supposed set a desirable value at firmware cimpilation time and don't change it afterwards?
Please advise and thanks.